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Thursday, December 9, 2021

Rant #2,786: Wouldn't It Be Nice

Well, now they are talking about a fourth shot to battle the coronavirus, and don’t you think it is sort of like putting the cart before the horse by even posturing the possibility of a fourth shot right now?
Heck, maybe 25 percent of the eligible population has gotten their third shot, and maybe three to four out of 10 people don’t even have the first shot … so why throw a possible fourth shot into the mix?
If our public officials believe it is the proper way to go forth with the fourth, then as I have said time and time again, it is time for the populace to take to the voting booths in November and vote out these yo-yos once and for all.
We all kind of did that in the most recent election, but that posture has to continue when we vote again in 2022, and it is not too early to think about it right now.
What else is happening in our world to talk about?
Not much, although this year’s Christmas rush is about the “rushiest” such rush I have ever seen.
Last year, we shut down our civilization, so we kind of shut down Christmas in a strange way.
So this year, it appears that people are so ecstatic that we can. somewhat, actually go back to the old way of doing things that they have gone overboard, trying ot make up for last year.
Personally, I have never seen so many cars on the road, so much traffic, as I have this year.
Even the supermarkets seem to be busier this time of year, with long lines that I feel has as much to do with the worker shortage as it does with the fact that more and more people are out and about.
It just appears to be busier this year than ever, as if people are piling last year’s inactivity on top of this year’s renewed activity and lumping them all into one sort of “mega” pre-Christmas rush.
I have to say that I am happy that the Hebrew calendar put Hanukkah really early this year, so separated from Christmas that it finally had its own time and place, as it often gets buried by Christmas … and also, that I don’t have to be part of the overall holiday rush, as Hanukkah 2021 is over and done with.
And then we have the solid citizen who set fire to the Christmas tree near Fox-TV’s headquarters in New York, a real-life Grinch who now has a sleigh-full of problems to deal with because of his idiotic actions.
This homeless guy with mental problems just decided in his own warped mind that setting fire to a tree in midtown Manhattan was the right thing to do, and he did what he set out to do.
Whatever your feeling about the Fox network, you have to applaud them for saying that they will put up another tree and have another lighting as soon as possible.
And sorry, people like this should not be out of Bellevue or whatever nut house can accommodate them, as so many crimes we read about in New York City are being perpetrated by homeless psychos.
Once again, with things like bail reform in place, it is time to remove those legislators who back this nonsense and send a clear message to our elected officials that these are our streets, and we want them back.
Me, I took my presents that I received from my family for Hanukkah and put them to good personal use, and I am expecting a load of stuff to come in my mailbox sometime soon, if the Post Office is working to its maximum efficiency, which is probably isn’t.
But it is fun to think that within a few days or weeks, I will have everything that I ordered online from small business owners, and that to me is fun, fun, fun.
When I get gifts like this, I always purchase things that I would never buy with my own money, and once again I followed that route, and I think I got some nice things.
“Nice” is the operative word here.
In the world we live in, I have seen less “nice” lately than I have ever seen.
People are running around in the glee of the upcoming holiday, but they don’t seem to be very happy as they gallivant around town.
Thus, in my estimation, they are not “nice.”
We need to get back to being nice to ourselves and to one another, and I guess the constant panic that we are being put in by our elected officials with the pandemic has made us a society that is bordering on craziness.
It is time to get back to being nice, but I don’t know if it is possible, right now, to get back to that feeling.
I hope that it is, because being nice, no matter how trite it may seem, is one of the time-tested attributes of the holiday season.
So let’s try to be nice.
It can’t hurt to try.

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