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Friday, July 24, 2020

Rant #2,456: I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry

Yes, that pretty much sums up how I feel today.

This "Rock of Gibraltar" is pretty much broken today, down to pebbles.

I was supposed to have my first job interview in months this morning--via telephone--but I found out late last night via email that it had been postponed.

Hopefully, we can get together next week, but even a postponement puts a damper on my spirits, makes me depressed, and makes me tell you guys who are lucky enough to be working during this horrid time in our lives, you do not want to walk a mile in my shoes.

Seemingly, whatever I do that is right and correct turns out, somehow, to become mush, and that is the polite term for saying what it becomes.

I can't win for losing, as the old saying goes.

Before I knew about this, I turned on the first Major League Baseball game of the shortened 2020 season, the contest between in New York Yankees and the Washington Nationals in our nation's capitol.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, our country's top infectious disease doctor who is a hero to some and a pariah to others, threw out the ceremonial first pitch, and almost in a god-like way, cemented the absurdity of being allowed to play professional sports in a pandemic, missed home plate by about 50 feet at the very least.

It was if he were cross-eyed, lined up his target, and let go.

And if that isn't a metaphor for what is going on now, I don't know what is.

The Yankees and Nationals took the field, and while it wasn't shown live, both teams decided to take a knee before the National Anthem was played, and then they stood while the anthem was played.

And on the pitcher's mound, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) insignia was paired with the MLB logo, and isn't it just so convenient that BLM spelled backwards is MLB and vice-versa?

More importantly, the country's national pastime has caved into the pandemic of madness, and now fully sanctions everything that BLM stands for, including anti-white, anti-police, anti-Semitism, and anarchy.

All of those elements are now clearly mainstream in this country, so why shouldn't MLB pretty much bow down to this lunacy like seemingly so many others have?

The game went on, and while I am happy to say that the Yankees won the rain-shortened contest by a 4-1 score, once again, nothing seemed right about anything what was going on there.

Without the crowd in attendance, there was absolutely no energy in the stadium, even though fake crowd noise--from the MLB 2020 video game, no less--was filtered in.

And through the incessant talking of the announcers--Matt Basgersian and former Yankee Alex Rodriguez, who the last time I looked, was still listed as a special advisor with the Bronx Bombers, so why is he doing this game?--it made it even more abundantly clear that this season that is is really the season that should never be. It is going to take a while to get used to the utter silence, and the incessant talking of the announcers over the din, but I give them credit for trying.

Let's go Yankees!

I guess.

But the mainstreaming of BLM really is disheartening.

This is a terrorist organization, plain and simple, backed by money from people who are out to destroy our country and our way of life.

Sane people see this, but unfortunately, due to conveniences like the Internet, we have become a lazy people as well, what with everything at our fingertips.

People have forgotten how to think, and quite frankly, how anyone can back an organization that stands for terror and intimidation like BLM is beyond me.

I guess in spite of my situation, and in spite of my advanced age, my thinking cap still works.

And with this thinking cap, and for what it is worth, I am now going to throw my backing, my support and my vote in November behind our president, Donald Trump.

Look, he is not the perfect president. He has faults a mile wide, and I do not support, and have never supported, many of the things he does.

Yes, he is brash, he takes things on a different plane, he is outspoken and he can be like sandpaper against a chalkboard at times ...

But he is also our best hope for the future, the future of America, the future of our country that we were born into and that we love and respect.

The far left and the Democratic Party are synonymous right now, with BLM fitting so nearly into their agenda and rhetoric.

I simply cannot, and will not, support an agenda that is so racist, that is so against law enforcement, and that has made anti-Semitism the rage of the day.

And I cannot support a platform that indoctrinates young people like it does, young people who have no clue about our history, and only want to change it to fit supposed current mores.

Anarchy is afoot in our major cities like Chicago, Portland and New York, and if that pleases you, then please vote Democrat in November.

Look at New York City, and its centerpiece, Manhattan. Because of an anarchist at the helm of the city as mayor and a governor who thinks he is the second incarnation of Mussolini, the grandest city on the planet has become a cesspool of lawlessness and graffiti and violence, with violent crime rising in the triple digits.

The mayor and governor's answer to this: paint a "mural" on the street right in front of Trump Tower, one of the most spiteful things I have ever seen done in our once great city.

If is as if the mayor and governor are competing Neros, both fiddling while the city burns to the ground.

President Trump will continue to fight this anarchy as president. He is running on a law and order platform, and that is what we need now, particularly in Democrat-run cities where all hell has broken loose and will continue to do so unless it is nipped in bud as soon as possible.

Joe Biden is nothing but a puppet for the far left. I mean, if nothing else, how long did it take his former boss, President Obama, to support his run for the presidency? That alone speaks volumes, but Biden is weak, and he will be a puppet president if God forbid he wins.

The country, and the world, is right smack dab in the middle of a pandemic right now, and scourge that we have no idea when it will end and we can get back to normalcy.

We should all be joined in the fight to eradicate this disease, but the disease has been politicized by both sides, which is wrong, wrong, wrong.

We should all join together, stop the idiotic marching--which has little to do with "black live matter" as it has to do with the "ideals" of BLM and its anarchistic tactics--and fight the good fight against the disease that doesn't discriminate against who it attacks--although that has also become part of the political discussion of this disease too.

We are ALL Americans ... Black, White, Yellow, Brown.

You know what they say--"United We Stand, Divided We Fall."

It is going to take a long time to heal this nation of its ills, but I do believe Donald Trump is the man to do this, because he clearly believes in the ideals that made this country what it was and what it can continue to be: the greatest country in the world.

Trump 2020.

You can hold your nose in November when you vote, but if you believe in America, Trump is the one who we should choose to try to fix our broken country.

I will vote for our president in November, and I do hope that he wins.

God forbid us all if he doesn't.

Have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday.

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