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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Rant #2,434: Stompin' Everywhere

Happy Tuesday.

What do I write about today?

Do I write about the mob scenes ... err ... the protest marches, which continue unabated, reported by the press to be friendly rallies ... until you look deeper into them, and they are full of intimidation to harass people and destruction on a daily basis?

Do I write about the continued lifting of restrictions about the pandemic across the country, which, of course, since the restrictions have been lifted while we are still smack dab in the middle of the pandemic, have shown spikes just about everywhere these rules have been relaxed?

(Except New York, which somehow, seems to have beaten the curve upward ... hmm ... how could that possibly be, yet in just about every other city, cases have spiked through the stratosphere?)

Do I write about Major League Baseball, a group full of entitled, miserable people with a lot of money who cannot agree on anything except that they both love money, and are doing this during an environment where we are experiencing record-setting unemployment?

Do I write about the USA Network, which in its own pandering move, is now showing recruiting commercials for Black Lives Matter, that anti-white, anti-cop, anti-Semitic anarchistic organization behind much of the unrest today in our streets, making them appear as if they are a charitable organization like the United Way, bathed in love and colors that are endless and without hue?

Or do I write about my own employment situation, which sank to a new low this weekend, with me actually applying for a freelance writing job--which I sincerely doubt I will get--with, well, let's say in a nice way, an adult entertainment site?

Well, I really don't know what I want to write about today.

I could go into chapter and verse on all of the topics that I just described, but it just seems so futile to do so at this moment in time. Some of these subjects have been beaten to death, other of these subjects are so new--the USA Network one, in particular, which was run during their WWE Raw episode last night--that I can't get my arms--or words--around it now.

So I go back to the original question, what do I write about today?

I write about a subject with great gravity in our country now, and that is--

Ta da--

The rise of socialism in our republic.

Socialism has numerous definitions and elements, but at its very basic definition it is a system of social organization where private property and distribution of income are both subject to control outside of the individual, or just the opposite of capitalism, where individuals are purveyors of their own destinies.

So, for instance, you are eating a sandwich that you just made, and someone comes over to you and demands that they give you the portion of the sandwich that you have not eaten, because in socialism, you don't own that sandwich, everyone owns the sandwich, and if someone wants a piece of the sandwich, it is their right to have it.

It is a sort of "spread the wealth" theory, which on paper, might be appealing, especially for those on the lower sphere of influence and income in our country, but in reality, has never worked anywhere it has been tried.

People at the top of the sphere of influence and income remain there, and are even made stronger, while those on the bottom also remain where they are, and they are much worse off than they were before.

With nowhere else to take this failed way of life, socialists now have their eye on the United States, because we have become such a fractured country. They feel now is the time to seize control and implement their beliefs, and to do it in the U.S. would be a real feather in the cap of this movement, because we are so vulnerable today.

We have people in power who believe that socialism is the next wave, including Mayor Bill deBlasio of New York City and to a lesser extent, the governor of the state, Andrew Cuomo.

And on the national stage, we have the Democratic Party, which is leaning in this direction, and what is most distressing, proudly leaning in this direction, greatly influenced by people like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who are proud socialists, and let you know it at every turn.

In the upcoming presidential campaign, they have put in place a disciple of one of the most egregious socialists of them all, former President Barack Obama, who put us on the path for this change in our country during his eight years in office, and that person is his former vice president Joseph Biden.

Biden was supported by Obama only after it became clear that the party would not go "obvious socialist" with Sanders, choosing to go "socialist-lite" with Biden, who has a non-existent personality which serves the socialists well; he can be manipulated as easily as Play-Doh can be, a purpose which serves them well.

And going against President Donald Trump, you really have a "David vs. Goliath" match, and the socialists hope that their David will beat the other side's Goliath and take over control of this country in January.

Look, that is my take on the whole thing, and you can agree and disagree with it all that you want.

I see a country where anarchy is the first order now, people destroying the very fabric of the very country that they live in and that has embraced them from the get-go.

Are we perfect? No, we are not.

Even in a democracy, there are going to be cracks in the firmament, cracks that need to be addressed and are being addressed as we speak.

But if we move to even a "socialist-lite" environment, all that we have created during the past nearly 250 years will go down in the dust, faster than any statues that anarchists have torn down.

And in my opinion, that would destroy everything America has been, is, and will be in the future.

That is one man's opinion, and I stick with it.

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