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Friday, June 5, 2020

Rant #2,423: It's the End of the World As We Know It

My rant to end the week is going to be short and simple, because really, there is nothing more to say about what is going on with all the protests about, and I feel that I have said enough about them.

This is what I said on Facebook yesterday, and I stand by what I said:

"These are mobs, not protests, and they must end, and end by force if necessary. 

And I just love how the media paints these rallyers as so peaceful, with shades of colors that aren't even in the rainbow. They are anarchists, anti-white and anti-police and anti-U.S., and these rallies must end. 

They serve no purpose, and they don't honor the deceased in any way, shape or form. They are akin to the lynching rallies of yore, and if you think they have no link, listen to the cries yesterday: "We got 'em!" when it was announced that all the former police officers will be prosecuted. Those are the same cries that were probably heard when innocent people were strung up on trees and lynched, simply because of the color of their skin. 

The shoe seems to be on the other foot now, and it was wrong then, and wrong now. Those former officers were wrong in their actions, and they will get their due. But these so-called protests are not protests anymore. They are 2020 versions of the old lynch mobs, plain and simple."

I happen to know someone whose child went to participate in one of these protests. My question is this: did this person participate because he really believes in the cause, or did he participate as sort of a social event, where he could be among others of his own age?

Honestly, I think it the answer is that it probably was a mix of the two, with a heavy accent on the latter.

This group has been cooped up for so long, not permitted to fraternize with anyone other than their families, that to get out, meet up with other men and women of the same age, and do something other than look at the walls was as inspiring as marching against whatever the marchers are marching against right now.

The only other thing I might want to add is that as New York City moves through its reopening phases, it will eventually allow restaurants to have outdoor seating.

With what is going on in Manhattan, do you really think that people are going to want to sit outside of restaurants when these protests continue without end?

Do you think anybody is going to want to come to Manhattan to take in all the city has to offer to tourists--the shows, Central Park, and the entire electricity of the most important city in the world--when marchers are doing their thing, and destruction is occurring?

And if the curfew continues ... New York City is a 24-hour-a-day city. People often eat dinner, in particular, all through the night. If the protests continue, do you really think anyone is really going to want to do that? Stay home, stay safe.

These protests must end, the violence must end, and then, we can sit down, collectively, and fix things for the common good.

I don't know when that time will come, but once the protests are over, we can attempt to get back to some type of normalcy.

And although our legislators believe that it will happen once restrictions brought on by the coronavirus have been lessened, I would bet that Manhattan is the last place any visitor wants to go to until the marching and the protests and the violence and the mob mentality ends.

And for residents of New York City, I really feel bad for you, because you literally have no place to go, no place safe enough to venture to ... you are stuck, figuratively and literally, in an situation not of your own creation.

It is anarchy, plain and simple.

Have a good weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday.

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