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Monday, May 4, 2020

Rant #2,400: Anyway the Wind Blows

The Ranting and Raving Blog hits another milestone today.

We are 2,400 posts old, and today is the 11th anniversary of the blog, which began operations on May 4, 2009.

Funny how things work out that way.

When I started this thing way back in 2009, I had no idea that I would still be at it 11 years later. 2020 wasn't even a thought then.

I began this blog because I felt a bit stifled in my writing. I was writing, and making a living,  professionally, writing about topics that were interesting on the one hand, but limiting on the other. What I was writing about paid the bills--and ended up doing it for 23 and a half years--but aI felt that I could do more using my own forum.

So on May 4, 2009 I started writing about what I wanted to write about, and who knew that it would outlast my actual job that paid me to write?

I certainly didn't know what was going to happen down the line, but this blog provided me an outlet to stretch my wings a bit.

And it continues to do that through today, when I am still at square one in my job search and we, as a civilization, are battling the coronavirus.

But during the past 11 years, it has been a lot of fun writing this thing each weekday over the past 132 months, with breaks for sickness and vacation, of course.

And I just think that it is so funny that the 2,400th post coincided exactly with the 11th anniversary. Call in serendipity or whatever you want to call it, but what a coincidence!

Actually, this is a big time for celebrations in my life, so why shouldn't something like this occur like it did?

First, I celebrated my 63rd birthday on April 28. Then this. After that, I will be celebrating events in my life such as the 50th anniversary of my bar mitzvah and the 32nd anniversary of me becoming a father for the first time.

And then there is Mother's Day, which some people think is the holiest day of the year.

And during the past 11 years, I have spoken about each and every one of these events in my life with you, as openly as I possibly could. I haven't shared every bit and morsel of everything with you, but I have told you plenty about me, my family and what makes us tick.

And hopefully, what makes you tick too.

It has been a lot of fun, even writing during this current time, when we are fighting a war against an aggressor that we can't see, feel or touch. But I do believe that we are winning that war, and doing it in slow, incremental steps.

We will get there, but it is going to take a long time, longer than many of us want to believe.

We have to be patient, and make out next moves with thought behind them, not just because we want to, but because the time is right.

Getting back to the blog, the truth is that this blog--which was hacked a few years back and is actually two blogs mushed into one, and that is why there is a new post and a "classic" post each day--is actually more than 2,400 posts old, as here and there over the past 11 years, I put up some posts without a number. I did that more in the early days for whatever reason I had at the time, and there was also a numbering discrepancy which I fixed, but all told, for all intents and purposes, this is the 2,400th post.

What does the future bring to this blog? I don't know, I really don't know.

A few years back, I actually played an April Fools Day joke on everyone, stating that this current post at the time would be the final one, and that I was closing up shop. People picked up on that white lie, and I have continued to write this each weekday morning that I could do so.

Will the blog continue?

You bet it will. Even though I am not being paid to write professionally anymore, I still love to write. It is my outlet on artistic expression, whether you agree with what I say or whether you don't.

I have branched out a bit with my writing; as you know, I just finished my first novel, and hope to market it as a professional, published work. Right now, everything is pretty much at a standstill, but I have made the first step in trying to get my novel published. More on that another time.

So yes, this blog will continue for the foreseeable future. I can't think of a good reason for it not to continue, so it goes on.

And so I don't go on too long here, let me just say a big "thank you" to all of you who read this thing, whether right here on the blog site or on Facebook.

It is very gratifying to know that people are including reading my blog as part of their day, that they are devoting a few minutes of there valuable time to reading this each weekday.

That makes me happy, so "thank you" for doing so.

It really makes my day. And I hope that all of you have as good a day as you can possibly have today, and everyday.

On to 2,500, which I believe might come in November of this year ...

So tally-ho and away we go!

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