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Thursday, April 25, 2019

Rant #2,361: Pieces of April

April appears to be coming up roses for me as we head into the latter stages of the month and I head right into my birthday on Sunday.

Things are going better in my personal life. I haven't listed everything here, but I have a lot to be thankful for as this month roars to its finish.

For one, my job appears to be more stable, at least for the next few months, so it is a little easier to go to work knowing that today is not the day that I lose my job.

The sword of Damocles is still there, but that shiny blade is a little further up off my neck at this point in time.

And as you know, I had a nice surprise over the past few days, as a story that I wrote in 1980 resurfaced on Facebook, bringing me a load of memories.

The fun, and good feelings, continued yesterday.

In January, I told you about another story from my past the resurfaced, a review and interview i did related to the film "Up!" and revolving around Raven de la Croix, the star of the film and my very first celebrity interview.

Well, completely out of the blue, she contacted me yesterday morning on Facebook, apologized for not contacting me sooner about the article in question, which I sent her through the social media site, and we proceeded to have an on again, off again conversation that lasted at least an hour if not more.

I found her to be very pleasant, smart and a very honest person, and we kind of clicked talking about a variety of subjects.

I won't go into exactly what we spoke about, but it was a really nice conversation, and I would love to meet her in person again and do a followup interview with her--more than 40 years after I did the first one!

And that was pretty much all before I set foot in the office yesterday.

Once I got into work, I finally finished a project that had taken me the better part of the last five or six working days to do, and I was pretty happy with myself to have finally completed this annual monstrosity, which I have been doing for years but which seems to get more difficult to do by the year.

And then I went home, did what had to be done at home, watched a little TV, conked out, woke up this morning, and found that the Yankees had won again on their West Coast trip.

Even with all of their injuries--at one point, they had 13 players on the Injured List--they are managing to find ways to win games and keep the fire burning until the big guns return.

So yes, everything is coming up roses as we get closer to April 28.

Yup, this Sunday I turn the big 6-2.

I can't believe that I have reached this age. It has been a good life, and I have so many great memories.

Yes, I am brimming from ear to ear as I write this, and I haven't had such a good feeling in quite a long time.

Sure, that feeling certainly won't last, but right now, it is bright, it is vivid, and it is such a nice feeling to have.

Tomorrow, I have to take the day off from the Rant, because I have some personal business to attend to.

And no, it is not because i want a three-day weekend including my birthday; it just works out that way because of scheduling, but I can tell you that tomorrow, I will not be sitting in a chair and doing nothing.

Without going into detail, it should be an interesting day.

Whatever the case, have a great weekend, I will speak to you again on Monday, and hopefully, I can keep this good feeling I have going ... with a slight case of matzoh stomach and all.

Speak to you then.

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