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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Rant #2,352: Radioactive

Well, maybe not, but there are two diseases that are being talked about now that must be eradicated, and removed as soon as possible, before thousands, if not more, are effected by these germs.

One is in the air, and one, very unfortunately, is man made.

Let's talk about the one in the air first.

Measles has returned, and the welcome mat is being put out by misinformed people who do not understand the severity of this horrid disease.

Evidently, in the Eastern part of the country, the disease--which laid dormant for years as more and more people were vaccinated--has sprung up in ultra-Orthodox communities in upstate New York.

Many Orthodox Jews in this community are under two impressions, one talked about in the press and one kind of hidden, because its utterance will spring up cries of anti-Semitism, but you know me, if it has to be said, it has to be said.

And being Jewish myself, I can say it.

Anyway, the first reason these Orthodox Jews are not getting their kids vaccinated is that they are using religious laws to skirt such a civic and health duty. I would say that the belief that they must die the way they came into the world--unscathed, without any markings, tattoos, or in this case, puncture holes--is being taken too literally here.

The second is the more controversial reason that no one wants to talk about, but I will.

Many ultra-Orthodox Jews firmly believe that they are "the children of God," and that God watches over every move they make and protects them. In other words, they could walk into the middle of traffic on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan during rush hour and emerge without a scratch.

Well, I hate to tell them, but this is utter nonsense.

Now, back to the measles ...

Since measles is such a contagious disease, it is starting to spread like wildfire, through other ultra-Orthodox communities, including Borough Park.

And once it starts to spread like this, it is only a matter of time until it gets into the general population.

People forget just how deadly this disease really is. It can maim, it can harm, and it can kill those who get it. It is highly contagious; you only have to be in a room with somebody who has the disease, and it can spread literally through the air to you.

New York City has called this a health emergency, and the city has warned that unless it gets 100 percent compliance from the Orthodox Jewish community, it will close down yeshivas until all children of school age are vaccinated.

Some are calling this a freedom of speech/civil liberties issue--why should the government decide that you must get the shot?--but it doesn't become a human rights issue when you unwittingly contract the disease because someone refuses to get the vaccine.

Others say that if they let their kids get the disease, it will protect them in their future as adults, because they will never have to worry about contracting this if they already had it. This reasoning is the height of child abuse, and it is something of an old wives tale that you can't get it again if you have had it once. Your chances of getting it again are slimmer, but you can still get it.

Besides that, why would you open up your kids' health to such a horrid disease on purpose--a disease that they can die from?

I just don't get it, and I hope that certain people really think this out and get the vaccine.

It is a highly preventable disease, and all you feel is a slight prick, and it is over and done with.

The second disease we are going to talk about today is the festering one in Washington, D.C., one created by the most ignorant of our citizens.

Rep Ilhan Omar has done it again, shot off her mouth while showing her allegiance to her Muslim faith over her paid duty to uphold her duties to the United States of America.

You remember this goon. Right after being voted into office, she claimed that Jews had double allegiance, to both the U.S. and Israel, and that her fellow legislators were being paid off by Jewish and pro-Israel organizations.

"It's all in the Benjamins!" she said, referring to the very greenbacks she is being paid to uphold the values of this country.

Now, in a March 23 speech to the anti-American, anti-Semitic CAIR organization--which fully backed her and her campaign for the House seat--she has called the 9-11 terrorists  and the terror, murder, and attacks against humanity that they perpetrated as nothing but "some people did something," and stating that she was a victim of death threats because of what she said.

She also said that CAIR--the Council on American and Islamic Relations--was created after 9-11 because "they recognized that some people did something, and [Muslims] were starting to lose access to our civil liberties."

Other fellow legislators spoke about about the Minnesota Democrat's comments, including Texas Rep Dan Crenshaw.

She claims a double standard, and is starting to make the rounds of talk shows to plead her case and demonstrate that she is the real "victim" of this situation.

The people of Minnesota voted this individual into the House in a fair vote, but they obviously did not realize that Omar was first and foremost going to stand up for the Muslim cause, well over the American cause she was supposed to represent.

What has she done to forward the American cause since she has been in office? I haven't heard or seen anything she has done to represent her constituents in any way, shape or form. All she has talked about is the oppression of Muslims, her hate of the Jews, and being a "victim."

Look, the people of Minnesota voted this "cancer" into Congress, and their job the next time around is to "vaccinate" themselves against her, and vote her out.

Her stance against Jews and Israel, and now her basically wiping off the terrorist attacks as if they were dust on her hijab, are very troubling.

Yes, both measles and Omar are very easy to get rid of, and get rid of permanently.

People just have to do what they have to do to do so, and it isn't a difficult thing to do.

Whether they will do what is their civic responsibility is another thing.

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