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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Classic Rant #997 (July 5, 2013): The Day After

How was your July 4?

I did exactly what I said my family and I were going to do, which was next to nothing.

My wife worked, my son and I were at home, and I watched baseball, baseball and more baseball.

In the middle of everything, not only was I having some vision problems (allergies getting the best of me), but we had a power failure that hit exactly half the house, and that was it.

Once everything was restored--and my vision improved--everything was hunky dory. We had our barbecue, and now it is back to work day.

And it is July 5.

We have some signature holidays during the year, whether you are talking about New Year's Day on January 1, Christmas Day on December 25, and yes, Independence Day on July 4.

But what about the days after those holidays?

Do January 2, December 26 and July 5 suffer in comparison? I mean, the world does not stop on these days, does it?

They probably do. You can't compete with a day that is momentous, a day where so many people have off. Certainly, July 5 cannot possibly be as important as July 4 is.

And July 4 is pretty much a scam, anyway.

The Constitution, if I remember my history, was actually signed on July 2.

July 4 was the day it was "processed," for lack of a better word.

But July 2 is actually more important to our country's history than July 4 is, but we celebrate July 4 over July 2 because by July 4, our country was finally set in motion in 1776.

The day after July 4 is a momentous day for some.

The bikini was introduced to the world on that day in 1946, and Elvis Presley's first commercial recording session took place on that day. He recorded "That's All Right (Mama)."

So July 5 is important if you like rock and roll and if you like the female form.

But what about the days after Christmas Day and New Year's Day?

Do they suffer in comparison?

Looking at January 2, probably.

It is the day people kind of get back to doing their normal routines, and it is the day that pretty much signifies the end of the holiday season.

December 26 is actually a holiday in itself.

Although not that well known here, it is Boxing Day in England, where, supposedly, Christmas gifts that are not wanted or needed are "boxed up" and given to the needy.

In more recent years, December 26 is also the first day of Kwanzaa, so it does have real significance to some people.

In my family, December 26 is a stupendous day.

My sister was born on that day in 1959, and as my father has often said, her birth gave him a tax write-off for the entire year.

So yes, the days after big holidays are very, very significant, depending on a lot of things.

So have a very happy July 5, even if you have to go to back to work like I do.

And if your birthday is on July 5, just think, all the hubbub associated with July 4 is over, and you can have your day to yourself.

Speak to you again on Monday ... July 8.

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