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Thursday, April 4, 2019

Rant #2,347: Another Day

Today, Thursday April 4, appears to be just another day on the calendar, but I will bet that your local TV weatherman will tell you that it really isn't.

TV weatherman are usually cheerful, trying to put a smile on the news as they outline the coming weather, and at least with the TV weatherman that I watch, they are always bringing up strange holidays and celebrations for a particular day to give us a chuckle, particularly early in the morning.

Well, today I am going to be your TV weatherman, and I am going to tell you that the weather is going to be fine as we celebrate several odd holidays that happen to fall on April 4.

They include the following, taken from a site called "Humor At Work: For Less Stress and More Success" (

Fun at Work Day: I am glad that some people can have fun at work, but I certainly can't. In fact, I can't find anything that is fun at my work, other than listening to the radio as I drive to work.

Does anybody really have fun at work? I guess if you can find any fun at your job, you are a really special person in a really special situation.

Me? I'm worrying that the place is going to go out of business any day now (April was our latest expiration date), so no, I can't celebrate Fun at Work Day.

Burrito Day: I like Mexican food, and I like burritos, or at least what I know of burritos from Taco Bell and other restaurants that have them on their menus. I also know that burritos from these places are more "American-style" burritos than they are Mexican, as they contain more meat than real burritos, which contain more vegetables.

That being said, I like American burritos, so I guess I could run with this day. But I am certainly not having burritos to eat today. I have a turkey roll sandwich for lunch and will probably have a burger tonight.

I guess the (burp!) burritos will have to wait.

World Rat Day: Yes, we do find reasons to celebrate everything in the world, don't we? We even celebrate rats, and I am going to take it that we are talking about the rodents that we all know and love here, and not people who do things to make them "rats," if you get what I am talking about.

A rat is not a mouse, and rats to you if you believe that they are one and the same. And if you have seen New York rats, some appear to be as big as small cats, and if you see them, you know that you are not in the right place, because they fester in uncleanliness and garbage.

So why would anyone want to celebrate their existence? I have no idea.

Vitamin C Day: Yes, we all need Vitamin C, and I guess today is the day that we remind ourselves that we should include this essential vitamin in our diets.

An easy way to get some vitamin C is to drink orange juice on a daily basis. Me, I lost my taste for the beverage years ago. As a kid, my mother made sure we had our orange juice each and every day for breakfast, but I don't know what it is, I just lost my taste for it.

I might have orange juice three or four times a year now, not on a daily bais, but at least today, I am having something orange: orange soda, because we ran out of Coke. Its Vitamin C content is questionable, but I just think of it as orange juice with fizz.

Mine Awareness Day: Well, I would prefer that this would actually be Goldmine Awareness Day, but yes, this day actually does exist, and I think it is really geared to recognizing that people use mines to blow up and maim people during war time.

It is not a really funny subject, and I think that this day draws attention to the use of these devices around the world.

When we see our service members come home, often without limbs that were blown off by land mines, we know that their threat is real, and horrific loss of limb and life is real, too.

So there you have it. I bet you didn't know that April 4 was such an important day, but I guess it is.

Now, how about April 5?

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