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Monday, April 6, 2015

Rant #1,412: Matzoh Time!

I hope everyone had a good holiday, whether it was Easter or Passover.

We had two good seders, one with my sister and her family and one with my parents.

My son was a little under the weather during the second seder, but he managed to do the traditional "Four Questions," and God blessed him by taking away whatever ills he had on Saturday, and on Sunday, he was fine.

Me, I didn't go overboard with the eating. It is a policy I have followed the past two or three Passovers, simply to avoid the dreaded "matzoh stomach" ailment that I made up.

When you have matzoh stomach, you not only feel bloated, but you also feel corroded and imploded.

I cannot explain it any more than that. I think one has to experience this "malady" themselves to understand what I am talking about.

The food is so, so heavy, that it can make you feel as if your stomach has extended three or four inches beyond where it normally is.

It is a horrible feeling, especially if you cannot eliminate it, if you know what I mean.

That really is matzoh stomach in a nutshell, and I don't wish it on anybody.

Hopefully, I won't get it this year, but I just love matzoh.

I love matzoh with cream cheese on it, with butter, and it makes the perfect Passover lunch, with tuna fish.

I will eat it all this week, until the end of the holiday.

I will also eat kosher for Passover cookies, macaroons, cakes, soda and other delicacies of the holiday, many of which did not exist when I was a kid, or were just starting to make their way to observant Jews' pantries.

I noticed, to my dismay, that many supermarkets cut down their kosher for Passover sections this year. Usually, most stores in my area dedicate a section in their "swing" area to displaying these products, but one store, in particular, pretty much put the kosher for Passover products in with the other "Jewish"-related products, and thus, there were kosher products in this section mixed in with kosher for Passover products.

No, not a good situation, I should have complained, but I didn't.

Anyway, again, I hope everything went well for you and your families, and you had a nice holiday, whichever one you celebrated.

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