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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Rant #3,640: A Happy Guy

I am a happy guy today.

And it starts with congestion pricing ... even though I haven't driven into Manhattan in about 10 years.

New Yorkers, you voted for Kathy "The Yokel" Hochul, so you get what you deserve ...

And this news conference she held related to President Trump and the federal government's disapproval of congestion pricing was one of the most farcical news conferences of all time.

They keep on talking about the streets, the air, the people ...

But they miss the point.

Why add an extra tax on drivers who use their cars to come into Manhattan?

It is costing businesses, it is increasing prices when these extra costs are passed down to consumers, and it is a ridiculous burden on those who must drive in and out of Manhattan.

Hochul says congestion pricing is benefitting everyone--she has even said thelat drivers are actually  "saving" money, because the toll dropped from $15 to $9.

She is a fool, way worse a governor than her predecessor, Andrew Cuomo ever was, but we voted for her, and this is what we got.

An idiot.

I just know that if my father was alive today and still driving a cab--he did it for more than 50 years before being forced to retire because of hearing loss--he would be applauding the President's decision.

Since passengers have to cough up more money for the tax, don't you think that they would try to balance things out by tipping drivers less?

My father lived on those tips, so he would absolutely not have been in favor of this plan--

And even though it does not directly impact me as a driver, I am happy that the tax has been revoked, in my father's memory.

And more good stuff ...

My son has a job interview on Friday afternoon.

He has had a couple of job interviews since he has been looking for work, and maybe this one will click.

Let's see what happens.

He was directed to the job by--

Who else but a fellow Rochdale Village alumnus, a lady who was a good friend of my sister when we were kids growing up there in the 1960s and early 1970s 

Again, we would not have known about this job opening without the help of this lady, who saw my posts on Facebook and thought she could help us out.

Whether it works out or doesn't, thanks to this lady for her help.

And once again, once a Rochdalean, always a Rochdalean.

For those of you who didn't grow up there, we were the first wave of residents who moved in there during the first years of the massive 20-building housing development in South Jamaica, Queens, during 1963 to 1965 or so.

We saw the apartment buildings literally rising from the ground from the wood frames, and it really sticks with you when you are a little kid, and the friends we made there are often life-long, because we all grew up in the same circumstances.

There is more to it than that, but let's just say Rochdale blood runs thick, 60 years after the fact.

We do watch out for each other, and Facebook helped us to reconnect.

I don't want to get my hopes up too high--my son has had other interviews that have led nowhere--but maybe this one is special, due to the circumstances.

Let's see what happens.

I will let you know.

We need some good news in my neck of the woods, and maybe this is the tonic that we need.

This was supposed to be a slow week for my son on the job front, but all you need is one bite--

Let's see if he can actually catch that fish.

And did I mention that the podcast I was on at the end of last year is finally available?

You can access it today after 12 noon at this address:


I finally have some positive news to report, and I can't tell you how good I feel about that!

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