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Monday, February 10, 2025

Rant #3,632: Hole In My Heart


We received about three inches of the white stuff, starting on Saturday night and moving into early Sunday morning.

It took no time to clean my car off.

I miss my old house more than you can imagine, but the one thing I will never miss is cleaning the walk in front of the house.

Where we are now, the maintenance people clean the walks, so I don't have to worry about that anymore.

I do miss the house, though ...

And another thing that I miss is a bagel.

A real, honest to goodness bagel, light on the stomach but crispy on the bottom, with a hole in the middle 

There are plenty of bagel shops on Long Island, but many call their products bagels, but they aren't.

They are more like rolls, doughy inside, very chewy, and without the hole in the center.

Like what happened with pizza, once the ethnicity went out of it, these delicacies never were the same again.

We finally found a really good pizza place in our relatively new environs--not as good as New York City pizza but about the best you can find out here--and now begins the search for the best bagel I can find.

When I was laid up in my bed, I swore that when I was better, I would go to a local bagel shop that I had gone to on occasion in the past.

They made the best rye bread bagel I had ever had, so I figured that 40 years wouldn't change things too much 

But, based on my experience, I guess you can't go home anymore.

Finally, I went to this shop, and the inside had changed, and unfortunately, I later found out that the bagels--amd bialys-- had changed too.

The bagels were chewy, more like a roll than a bagel.

And where was the hole? Nowhere to be found 

I put up my search for the best bagels in the area on a local message board, and I received a myriad of replies.

Most of the replies directed me to a bagel shop nearby, while the second most posts directed me to my old neighborhood when we lived in that house, a place i know all too well--and yes, their bagels are very good.

One respondent even directed me to the very bagel shop that I had visited, and I told this person that I was disappointed and wouldn't go back there 

Still another one said, "You are doomed, because there is no good food on Long Island " which I don't believe at all.

So, I will be visiting the one thst several respondents suggested, in my new neighborhood.

My appetite was further whetted by the fact that I went on the shop's website, and it said they make "Brooklyn-style" bagels that are "kettle cooked," which is the proper way to make bagels.

I will let you know how it goes ...

And with more snow slated fir later in the week, I had better go soon.

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