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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Rant #3,630: The Hardest Part

Nothing much to report about my son's job status.

I contacted Access VR, one of the organizations which supposedly helps people like my son, as I was told to call them yesterday to find out if his paperwork was processed.

He had been with them when we lived in Nassau County, but now, it's like we never were with them, as we have to re-up with them.

I called the number I was given, and it is a fax number.

I did get another number later and called them again, but all I could do was leave a message.

Par for the course.

Me, I went out to the supermarket, just to keep busy.

I try not to sit in front of the TV, and there isn't much on, anyway.

This Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday, and sorry, I won't be watching.

I have absolutely no interest, and really, the only thing that the game means to me is that we are one day closer to baseball season.

So don't ask me about who I want to win, because I really don't care--and I believe that the reason most people care is due to betting on the game--does anyone even really care who wins, from a sports standpoint only?

Probably some, but let's be honest about it, most people are more worried about their boxes than anything else.

Now, what I am going to while away the time is another matter.

I will probably cast a movie to the TV, or at least watch something--anything--other than the game.

I love TV, but after being chained to the bed for six months, I got my fill of TV, and I swore that once I got better, I wouldn't plant myself in front of the TV, a promise to myself that I have pretty much kept since I have been up and about.

Keeping my son active through his job malaise is another challenge.

Him sitting on front of the TV a good part of the day is heartbreaking, but I have to look at it as every day, we are one day closer to him getting a job.

I have to think that ... and I have to have him thinking that, too.

And that is, truly, the hardest part.

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