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Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Rant #3,222: My Brave Face

We just have so many things to pack away that it is truly amazing what one can accumulate over a period of time.

And when you have three people accumulating al of this stuff, it is even more amazing.

We have thrown out bags and bags and bags of things we truly don’t need anymore, but we still have a lot of stuff that while we don’t really need these things, we would like to keep anyway.

So, in addition to boxes and boxes of things that will be going directly to our new residence—and we have so much more to do to get all of that stuff packed away—we have boxes and boxes of stuff that we are not going ot throw out, but won’t be making the direct move with us to our new place.

What do we do with all of these things that won’t be following us directly to our new environs?

We are going to have to invest in a storage area in one of those storage buildings that are dotting the landscape all over the country, and yesterday, we sought out exactly what to do with all of this scuff, and secured such an area.

And as usual, it ain’t cheap.

We looked at a trio of such areas, finally settling on one that is not that close to the place where we are going to live, but provided us—we think—with the best bang for the buck, so to speak.

There are several of these places literally within walking distance of where we are going to live, but we chose this particular one not because of proximity, but because of what it provided to us … and the price, of course.

The stuff that we are going to be putting in this storage area will not be anything that we will necessarily be checking on every day or every week, or even every month, but we simply do not want to get rid of these things.

Things like photo albums, CDs, DVDs, cassette tapes, that sort of thing … if we need it, we will have it,, but it just won’t be in our new residence.

I have been saying that we are moving to a place half the size for twice the price, but in actuality, we relocating to a place maybe a third of the size at twice the price, so we simply don’t have room for all of these things like we once had.

It is a shame, but it is true. We just don’t have the room for this stuff anymore, but these are things we simply do not want to throw away.

And that includes my comic books.

Even after selling the most valuable copies of my collection several years ago in two separate episodes, I still have probably 1,000 or maybe even more issues that remain.

If you want a glimpse at my childhood, all you have to do is look through this collection, and even as it stands now, you can get a peak into what I was into when I was a kid and really what I was into as I moved through my early to late teenage years, too.

I am trying to sell what I have remaining in this collection as a lot, which means you get the great with the garbage, but since there are still so many somewhat valuable issues in the collection—from the 1940s through the mid-1970s—it is all worth it.

I have somebody who said he would take a look at the collection, but as of yet, he hasn’t done so, and I will wait him out to see if he is serious or not.

But if he isn’t, then this stuff is going to have to go into the storage bin, because this is my chilidhood, and it isn’t going into the dumpster like so much of what we threw out.

This collection has some value, but like most things, the value is in the eye of the beholder, and with the more valuable issues of my collection long gone, what I have left is what it is.

Yesterday, I took the entire collection out of its temporary storage site—out of plastic bins that I put them in a few weeks ago—and put them in standard cardboard boxes—I need those plastic bins for other stuff that right now, things that are more important to me than the comics are.

As I picked up one handful after another of comic books, my younger life really ran past my eyes as one cover after another went by me.

I even saw one of my comic books from the late 1940s, and I tried to figure out just where I got this issue from—it obviously is much older than I am, so it had to come from somewhere else other than me originally owning it—but I simply do not remember.

The entire exercise of moving the comics from the plastic bins to the cardboard ones really took my heart away, and made me very sad.

Those comic books are among the last vestiges of my childhood years, and they served me well when I was a kid, but right now, they are almost collateral damage … no, they are collateral pleasures … but whatever they are, under the circumstances we are under now, they have to be either sold or moved.

If you are interested in buying them, please let me know. I will give you a good price for what you are getting, again, the good with the bad.

And again, if I can’t sell them,, they are going to go into our storage area, with the photo albums, the CDs, the DVDs and the cassettes.

We simply do not have the room for everything that we would like, and this will probably be my comic collection’s final resting place.

It is the best I can do.

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