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Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Rant #3,217: Bits and Pieces

Yesterday was another impossible day in the life of my family.

The Town of Oyster Bay Code Enforcement Division got to us, and what they told us wasn’t anything good.

Evidently, according to the division chief, my family and I have been living in our home illegally for the past four years, and the house cannot be sold until certain things are done to it to make the home into a standard, one-family dwelling.

It seems that every three years, my parents—the owner of the home—were supposed to re-sign the “legal” mother/daughter home agreement that they had with the town.

Through my father’s death three years ago and my mother’s emerging dementia and recent passing, that agreement was never re-signed, so technically, my family and I were living in the house illegally from 2019 to the current time.

Three are thousands of illegal living situations in Nassau County—in fact, right across the street form us, there is a house with three separate dwellings and on the corner, there is another house with about four families living there--but our situation was only brought to light when the house went up for sale.

The house cannot be sold unless we get a Town of Oyster Bay-authorized plumber to file a permit for the work that needs to be done to make it a legal one-family house, and that work includes removing the sink, the dishwasher and the stove from our part of the house, and then running what he did through an inspector to see that everything was done properly.

I know that the permit itself costs $400, and heaven knows what the work is going to cost to remove all of those other things.

I spoke to the Code Enforcement chief, and he appears to understand our situation, and will give us time to do all of this, but it has to be done, and now that he has spoken to me, he is going to keep tabs on the progress of the work.

It is going to have to be done after we leave the place for our new living quarters in the middle of November, and we have already had several potential buyers rescind their offers because they were not comfortable with the situation they foresaw.

Now, I have a sneaking suspicion that this house—the place where I spent the last 50 or so years of my life—is either going to go through foreclosure or will be sold for far less than we had hoped, leaving us with nothing form the sale, since the lender of the reverse mortgage gets their cut first.

I have promised certain people involved with the home that I will give them until Monday to look for another option—there is none—but I gave my word I would not do anything until Monday.

I even looked into another option myself, and it would take literally months to accomplish even if it was successful, and it involves so much legwork and other work that it really doesn’t pay … nor do we have the time to even accomplish it.

So on Monday, I will have to look for a town-certified plumber to do this work … all of which just adds another brick to a load that my family and I should not have to bear.

Now onto other matters …

Since this is a “Bits and Pieces” entry, there is just so much more that I have to say—

But since I already posted these two entries that follow on Facebook as separate posts, they are kind of like reruns, but they have not yet been put on the official Blog, so with their inclusion here, now they will be there.

So here goes …

Israel Declares War on Hamas … "I have read plenty of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rhetoric on Facebook.

I am currently in Facebook jail for utter nonsense, yet these barbarians are permitted to spread their lies and misinformation.

I cannot believe that any human being can support Hamas, but evidently, many do.

And if you read Newsday's editorial today [yesterday]--which supposedly supports Israel--it ends by pushing for a Palestinian state, which, of course, is NOT Hamas and the Palestinians' endgame--which is--and has been for time immemorial--the ultimate annihilation and destruction of the Jewish state and Jews around the world.

This myth that Israelis and Palestinians can live, work and prosper side by side is nothing but a pipe dream, and why this stupidity is perpetuated by the media is beyond my comprehension.

Since the creation of Israel in 1948 and even generations prior to this, these gutter snipes have wanted the entire region for themselves, and never wanted to work with the Jewish people to exist side by side in harmony.

It is very simple; the Israelis are the good guys, Hamas and the Palestinians are not even the bad guys, they are cretins.

And if you ever bought into Hamas and the Palestrina’s' peace and love and flowers and phony public relations nonsense, look at what has transpired during the past couple of days ...

This is what a "civilized" society does to its neighbor?

Israel will win out in this battle for its survival, because they have to, and have every right to defend their nation against these barbarians."

Yesterday Was a Day That Will Live In My Personal infamy Forever … "October 10, 2019 ... four years ago, a day that will live in infamy, at least for me ...

It was the day that the company I was employed by for nearly a quarter of a century went out of business, and the employees that stuck it out until the bitter end--including me--were left as the collateral damage of bad management and the eventual closure.

Things have never been the same for me since that closure.

I was never able to find another full-time position--it did not help that the majority of my job seeking was during the pandemic--and I had to retire early, against my will.

Today, I look back at the past four years as the worst period of my 66 years of life, but there really is not much I can do about it, but move on from that mess the best that I can.

But I do feel that four years of my life have been stolen from me, and next year at this time, it will be five years, the next year, six years, etc.

And to those who ran this former business: you ran it into the ground with your total and complete incompetence. You said you had chances to sell the company, but instead, we all went down in flames with it.

Yes, I am bitter, but the only way I can get that bitterness out is to vent right here.

So be it."

That is all I have to say today.

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