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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Rant #3,221: Frustrated


Yes, that is the only word to describe what went on yesterday—all day yesterday—and how my family and I feel today.

Let me count the ways:

1) Medicaid: My son receives Medicaid due to his developmental disability. It allows him to get services he might not be able to receive if he didn’t have this program backing him up.

Since we are moving to a new residence in a few weeks, I was told by his counselor that he needs to change his address as soon as he can so that his benefits will continue without any problems.

No problem … I will either do it online or call Medicaid and get this done 1, 2, 3—

Problem is that you cannot do it online, and you must call Medicaid directly when you have an address change.

Well, I did just that, and that led to a three-and-a half-hour nightmare that seemed to never end due to the total and complete incompetence of the people I spoke with after long, long waits on the phone—except the very last person I got, who did help me accomplish my task.

About the other supposed “professionals” …

Honestly, I had almost forgotten how difficult it is to actually call up governmental agencies and get anything done, but I should have remembered that I used to sit on the phone interminably when I did this in the past, and yesterday, it happened again.

And when I did get someone on the phone, I have to say that these people are so full of themselves and so completely incompetent that you have to wonder how our government gets anything done.

I had an array of pencil pushers yesterday. I had one woman, who although somewhat pleasant, kept me on the line for at least an hour trying to process the address change request, only to tell me that her computer wasn’t cooperating and that I would have to call back or be transferred within the system to another so-called “professional” ,,,

And she passed me onto someone else, not directly, mind you, but I had to go through the same rigmarole that I went through to get to this fool in the first place, so I was at square one again, as if I had not made the initial call.

And when I hooked up with another so-called “professional,” I got probably the nastiest person I have ever spoken with on the phone, ordering me to do things that the first woman did not do and when I asked why I had to do these things, she lashed out at me with a verve mixed with a lot of venom that I can’t ever recall receiving as part of a simple phone call.

I told both women what I needed to do right at the get do—the address change—so they knew why I had called in the first place. The first one kept me on the line for an interminable time before telling me her computer was not responding, but the second woman was way worse, keeping me on the line and putting me through the ringer for another hour before she told me that she could not accomplish what I wanted at this particular phone number.

Why neither of these fools could not tell me from the get-go that they couldn’t do what I requested is beyond me—I guess that is how they get their jollies in such completely mundane jobs that they have.

The second woman gave me another number to call before hanging up on me, and yes, I was on the phone for more than an hour at this line but not on one call, as I was disconnected at least a half-dozen times after waiting many minutes on each call.

On one of the calls I actually got through, but the phone rang and rang and rang for about 10 minutes without anyone picking up the phone. I guess they were on their bathroom break.

I had to keep the phone on at this line through a dental appointment my son had yesterday afternoon, and it was embarrassing to have all this going on in a public place.

But after that episode, I figured I would call one more time, because a it was nearly 3 p.m., and the recording said this office stopped taking calls at 3:45 p.m., so I still had 45 minutes at my disposal.

Heck, I had already wasted three solid hours, I might as well waste some more time on this, right?

I called again, and at about 3:30 p.m., the phone rang and rang and rang some more, but I refused to hang up and try again. Finally a woman named Hannah picked up the phone, and very professionally handled my request in about two minutes.

I thanked her, but she did chuckle when I told her how unprofessional some of her coworkers were.

Yes,, it was a laugh and a wrap to a wonderful three-and-a-half hour excursion that is time I can never get back.

Facebook: Talk about frustration … I am in Facebook jail for about the sixth or seventh time during the past six weeks or so, and I really and truly have ho idea why.

I put up a post like this five days a week, and all of a sudden the Facebook police are jumping down my throat for reasons evidently only known to them, because certainly I cannot figure out why I am breaking their “cybersecurity” rules—only they know why, as their cryptic messages to me about the bans do not tell me anything.

I am fighting the current ban as I have all the rest, but even though they claim they will get back to you in four days, they never do—the only time that they did was when they banned me for supposedly having nudity on one of my sites, which even they found to be untrue.

I think I have figured the whole thing out.

I believe someone, for some reason, is targeting me, and just about anything I put up is fair game for them and the Facebook police.

So even though they let through things that are highly political, sexual, filled with vulgarities and untruths and are anti-Semitic, they are going after me because someone has a vendetta against me.

I have no idea who it can be, and the weird thing is that even though I can’t post directly in my groups, I can post on Facebook in general as long as it is not in one of my groups, which, of course, makes absolutely no sense at all—

But neither does my ban for the next month(!) in the first place.

Moving: I don’t have to tell you how frustrating this is.

We finally got some boxes, we are at the packing-away stage as we move away from the throwing-out stage.

We know what is coming with us, what will go in a storage facility, and what we simply cannot take with us.

But when you sit on the phone for three-and-a-half hours like I did yesterday, it kind of holds up production, if you know what I mean.

Onward and upward!

It is the only way we can go at this point in time.

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