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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Rant #2,676: Heaven Help Us All

Yesterday, New York State decided to fully roll back just about all of its COVID-19 protocols because at least 70 percent of its residents have reportedly received one of the vaccines created to fight this dreaded disease.
So everything is open, at full capacity, and state and local governments are even planning various parades and fireworks to demonstrate to the world how we have gone to having the worst and highest levels of the virus and within one year, we now have the lowest.
Well, bully for us ...

But even though state and local officials want us to believe that we have beaten the virus to the pulp, let’s be honest about it: it is still around, still spreading in some spots, and the supposed “vaccine” isn’t one at all, and depending on which one you received, you might be unwittingly putting yourself and others at risk.
Look, we all know that many of our elected legislators used this virus as a political tool in one way or another, and yes, some have profited off of it (i.e., New York Governor Cuomo with his book deal and his phony admiration from those who should really know better).
But to tell us that we have reached beyond the 70-percent threshold of inoculations, so we are now rid of the virus, is so ridiculous that I really cannot believe that the populace is letting out a collective sigh of relief about this.
But on the other hand, I do believe it, because let’s be honest about it, New York State’s population really isn’t that swift about a lot of things.
First off, whether you get the Pfizer, the Moderna or the Johnson & Johnson shot, you are not being “vaccinated,” as has become the most popular byword today, you are being “inoculated,” and there is a tremendous difference.
When you get a true “vaccine,” like the one we developed for polio or the measles, these are shots that fully protect you from getting each one of those diseases.
You get the shot, and you are done. You don’t have to worry about those diseases ever again.
The three coronavirus “vaccines” do not do that: yes, they don’t really protect you from getting the disease as much as those other vaccines I mentioned, but getting this inoculation will, supposedly, mitigate the effects of the diseases if you get it, and lots of people have gotten the virus after getting the shot, mainly one of the specific shots.
So again, getting the coronavirus shot doesn’t stop you from getting the virus, it only protects you against the worst effects of it, so how is that a vaccine—unless the definition of the word “vaccine” has changed over time, which I am afraid it has.
Now about the specific vaccines …
You are protected against the virus if you get the two-shot dose of Pfizer or Moderna. They have 95 percent efficacy. Period. There is nothing more to say about them, other than you have protected yourself against the disease to the fullest extent right now by getting the two-shot regimen of shots.
The real game changer here is the Johnson & Johnson shot, which is a single shot and provides anywhere from 67 percent to 71 percent protection, at best, which makes sense, since it is only a single shot, and you are done.
The problem is that with such a low efficacy rate, you are not as fully protected as you have been led to believe by our leaders, which means not only are you not fully protected, but those around you aren’t either.
When I went to school, if you got 65 on a test, you barely scratched through it and passed it.
But if you received a 95 grade on the test, you pretty much aced it.
It is the same thing with what shot you received.
If you got the two-shot dosage, you have aced the coronavirus to the highest efficacy possible.
If you received the Johnson & Johnson shot … well, good luck to you and those around you.
We all know that the Johnson & Johnson shot was a game changer for several reasons, one of which is that it allowed our officials to declare more people were fully inoculated than they really were, pushing up the totals to beyond 70 percent in New York State.
And that is why there is never a breakdown given of how many people received each dose. Our officials don’t want us to know that information, and even if only 20 percent received the Johnson & Johnson dose, that weakens our immunity against the virus by 20 percent, at the very least.
In fact, I saw another health official on last night’s evening news state emphatically that you are not “fully vaccinated” unless you get the two-shot dose, and yes, there has been talk about giving those who received the Johnson & Johnson shot another one to bring up the safety level.
But there has also been talk that the Johnson & Johnson dose can actually sit longer than previously thought, and that the expiration date on each dose can be pushed back several weeks … where the efficacy level will undoubtedly go down even further.
So, once again, we are victims of double talk by our elected officials and the so-called “experts,” neither of whom have any idea what they are talking about.
And now we are having parades and fireworks …
Heaven forbid that those unwittingly become super-spreader events, and we are back where we started.
Put the masks back on, stay socially distant, sit with your hands folded at your kitchen table and do nothing …
There is no way we are going to go back to that, whether what we are being told is true or just more malarkey that we have been fed during the past 15 months.
Heaven help us all … .

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