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Thursday, March 5, 2020

Rant #2,538: My Mistake

My allergies are terrible today--I can barely see the computer screen--I have a super busy day in front of me--my father goes into the hospital today for a non-emergency double blood transfusion--and my job search goes on--why, I don't know, third base--but right now I am going to take the time to apologize for my mistake yesterday.

Boy, was I wrong about Michael Bloomberg!

Yesterday, just a few hours after I wrote this column talking about how I truly believed that he was going to be an independent, third-party candidate for president, he completely dropped out of the race, citing lack of support.

Heck, even a billionaire with seemingly unlimited funds finally saw the light that most people had already seen. I guess when you stand behind piles of money, you can't see too much, in particular what us "peons" think of him as the potential leader of this land.

Well, no, not much, evidently.

His bowing out of the race, and doing so not so gallantly--I guarantee that in private, he still doesn't get how out of touch with the electorate he really is--renewed my faith in America, and renewed my faith in voters across the country.

Unlike here in New York--where ignorance is definitely bliss when it comes to voting in the wrong people, and in particular, in New York City--those participating in the primaries saw right through this elitist phony for what he was, a guy who really and truly believed--and still does--that all his money could buy his way to the top of the heap.

And boy, was he wrong, wrong, wrong.

And I was also wrong, wrong, wrong about him.

I really thought that no matter what happened, his money would keep him in the race through Election Day in November.

But somehow, he saw the light, and Mike may not have made it right, but he decided to give up his sinking ship before he blew another half a billion dollars on advertising.

Even if you didn't think he was so bad--or as bad as I did--you have to admit that his constant, non-stop television ad campaign was a bit much. You couldn't turn on the TV without seeing these ads, and I am sure he bought time prior to his leaving the race, and I hope we don't see any further ads from this fool because he had already paid for them.

Look, when Joe Biden gets the Democratic nod--and he certainly will, in particular with people dropping out like flies and with Bloomberg's endorsement (money)--we are going to see plenty of TV ads touting him for president.

And you know that President Trump is not going to sit there and be inactive, so we are going to be bombarded with TV ads from now through Election Day.

How exciting!

But Bloomberg is done, which is a good thing, and I have to say that I personally totally misread him.

I kind of linked up his supposed "never say die because I have the money" credo to the situation when he was able to run for a third term as mayor of New York City.

Busting through term limits--which only enable New York City mayors to serve for two terms--Bloomberg found a loophole in the mechanism and used his money to comfortably put him in a position to run for a third term, which, due to the complete ignorance of New York City voters, he won handily.

You see that continued ignorance in how current New York City Mayor Bill deBlasio has won the mayoral election not once, but twice, and you just know that if he could, he would also run--and win--another term.

But back to Bloomberg ... I figured that he would use that same sense of entitlement to keep in the presidential race, keep his ads going, keep his double-talking rhetoric going, but this time, for whatever reason, he somehow saw the light.

National voters are not nearly as stupid as New York City voters are, and he really had absolutely no chance to win the big ball of wax.

(And deBlasio also found that out the hard way during his own idiotic run for president.)

Funny, when he bowed out yesterday, we saw the first glimpse of his girlfriend as he left the stage and went off into the sunset. He stopped, kissed her on the lips, and walked away to cheers of fools who bought his level of cheese.

Again, funny that this woman was not mentioned a single time during her paramour's time running for commander in chief. I will bet most of the populace didn't know that he wasn't married, and that when New York City mayor, he told the press not to bother him on weekends, because he was off to the Hamptons with his girlfriend.

So during any crises, his underlings had to cover for him.

This is the person who he truly believed we, Americans, wanted for president?

Again, I apologize for even thinking for one minute that he would stay in the race.

He was a cancer that had to go, and he finally did.

Let's see what happens during the next six months when the real heavyweights duke it out.

Bloomberg had plenty of money, but money not only can't buy you love, it can't buy you the presidency of the United States.

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