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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Rant #2,361: I'm (Not) a Believer

My allergies are terrible today.

I am typing this with what amounts to maybe one and a half eyes, so if I make some spelling errors, or I misplace a period or comma, please excuse me.

I really cannot see very well today.

I also cannot see how Sen. Bernie Sanders has any chance in the Democratic presidential race against Joe Biden.

Yesterday, he received the endorsement of the very righteous Rev. Jesse Jackson, which to me, only solidifies his position as the prime anti-Semite in the nation.

Now Sanders, a self-hating Jew himself, has gotten the nod from Jackson, the supposed man of the cloth who once called New York City "Hymietown."

Addi that in with his endorsements from two other well-known anti-Semites--Rep. Ilhan Omar and and Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez--and you have a powerhouse of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel sentiment right there, and you also have a candidate who wants to turn the U.S. into his own personal third-world cesspool.

Sanders and his backers are basically a "dream team" of prominent anti-Semites, and that should scare not only Jews but non-Jews alike.

And with Biden, you have someone who is suffering from early-stage dementia. I mean, the guy recently said something to the effect that the Democrats cannot beat President Trump, before correcting himself, and he has similar slips time and time again, saying things that make no sense and then covering up his faux pas with some quip.

People are making fun of him, but I am not. I kind of feel bad for him. Look, he is older, obviously suffering from a mental malady that is not going to get any better, and if you back Biden for president, you are actually going to be voting for his wife or his vice president, because if he wins, his mental state will be such that they will be running the country, not him.

Sanders and Biden are the best the Democrats can offer? If I were voting Democrat, which I am not, I would vote for Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who has as much chance at winning this race as I do ... and she is way better looking than me and Sanders and Biden, to boot.

I also don't believe much in the caronavirus scares, although I am paying attention to them as we all are.

Heck, you can't not be paying attention to them, because they are the top news story anywhere you look. TV, radio, the Internet ... I mean, there is seemingly nothing else being talked about now.

Heck, we even haven't had an Elizabeth Hurley "look at me, look at me, LOOK AT ME!" bikini sighting lately. Perhaps she is wearing the bra portion of her bikini as a surgical mask, something that would not surprise me at all.

Look, the virus has to be dealt with, and I do believe it is being dealt with with a lot of due diligence.

But I also believe it is being overstated, with lives thrown into total disarray by this malady, which appears to be a bit like the flu, where probably 90 percent of the people who get it have no lingering effects, 9 percent do have some real problem with it, and unfortunately, 1 percent die from the disease.

Again, like the flu, which we as a civilization have been dealing with for generations.

Sure it is scary, but the over-coverage of this illness is making things really crazy, altering lives and lifestyles, and changing the ways we do things.

No more handshakes? That is just the tip of the icebeg, fueled by media reporting that is akin to local news outlets reporting on impending storms ... it is just too much, overzealous, and is unnecessarily fanning the flames and putting panic into peoples' minds.

Knowledge is good, but overdoing it is not.

And I also don't believe the plastic bag ban is anything more than another tax and inconvenience put on Americans' heads, and has very little to do with the environment, unless you are referring to the environment of your pocketbook, removing dollars from inside while it professes to remove plastic from our ecology

We are inconvenienced enough, and now, we have to remember to bring bags when we shop, but the ban is false because, for one thing, not all stores are in on the ban. Your local supermarket is--charging you a nickel per plastic bag used or anywhere from 5 cents to 10 cents if you use a paper bag, the latter money that the supermarket keeps to fill its own till--but I have found that dollar stores--which often sell the same items that supermarkets do, or a slighter variance of what the larger stores do--are not participating in this fiasco.

So yesterday I did my shopping, and the dollar store was more than happy to provide plastic bags, and then I moved over to the supermarket, which not only didn't have any plastic bags at any cost, but was charging a nickel per paper bag.

Supermarkets are the very same stores that SELL plastic bags of any and all sizes on the floor--snack bags, sandwich bags, and garbage bags of every size and use--so how is the banning of plastic bags to carry out your groceries really saving anybody anything, or saving our environment?

I am talking about New York now, so laws and restrictions might be different elsewhere.

But I have to say that I do not understand a state that considers plastic bags the enemy of the people but due to bail reform, lets criminals out on the streets to commit more crimes. And in New York City, these same hoodlums get perks to return to court, including pricey gift cards and baseball game tickets that the normal, law abiding citizen pretty much cannot afford to purchase.

Plastic bags are the enemy, and thugs and hoodlums are not?

No, New York State is a real alternative universe, but this is the reality, and I simply do not get it.

Please, someone way smarter than I am, please explain this to me, not just about the bags, but about the other topics I mentioned here, please, please, please.

I guess I must be stupid to not understand any of this.

This is clearly not the world I was born into way back when, not the world I grew up in, not the world I want to be in, and I hope there are other "stupid" people around who agree with me.

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