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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Rant #2,439: Can't Explain

I had one of the most bizarre Labor Days I can ever remember yesterday.

As you know, I had to work yesterday, so as you also know, I got up, did what I had to do to get ready, ate breakfast, wrote this column, read the newspaper, and off I went to work.

I got to work a bit early, as I always do, so I went through my email on my phone, checked Facebook, and generally relaxed before the workday.

At my usual time, I exited my car, and waited for the door to open so I could begin my workday.

Everything went awry from this point on.

I waited 15 to 20 minutes, and the door did not open. There was physical evidence that someone was there--someone is always there, but that is another story for another time--but it was past 8 a.m. and I was still standing there.

Rather than call work, I wrote an email telling the powers that be that I was waiting to enter and begin work.

The one power that be that was not at work--and had no intention of being there that day--wrote back to me almost immediately, stating, "We are closed today. You were supposed to be told this by xxxx."

I wrote back, "I am going home," and that is exactly what I did.

I prepared for a workday that did not exist, and I was pretty angry ... so angry that I went to the local bagel shop and picked up a dozen bagels, so I could at least say that I got up early on the holiday to get bagels for my family.

And then I went home, plunged into my bed, and pretty much remained there for the rest of the day as I watched TV in my bedroom from that point on to early evening.

But that is when the fun started.

I took at least two naps--the pills that I am taking for my still unknown malady make me very tired--and tried to watch the Yankees game, which proceeded to enter into a nearly three hour rain delay.

Bored with watching nothing happening with the game, at about mid afternoon--2:30 or 3 p.m. or so--I picked up my tablet and decided to go into Facebook and my email, just to try to break the boredom.

I went onto Facebook first, killed about 15 minutes or so, and then, I went into my email.

I was in for a surprise.

I received an email hours earlier from the person at my work who was supposed to open the door for me, and he said he wanted me to return to work because others were there "and there were things to do."

This was followed by an email exchange between the two powers that be about why we were open when the understanding was that we wouldn't be--that is the reason I was told that the office was closed that day.

Well, of course, there was no way I was returning to work--certainly not after reading this message hours after it was originally posted--so yes, I actually did have Labor Day off yesterday, but in a weird way.

I wrote back an email to the power that be who was at work and said that since I saw this hours after it was posted, I would not be returning to work, since I was already there and basically told that we were closed and to go home.

I ended the email with "Lack of communication," and hit send. I mean, we have less than 10 people working at my place; you would think that we would all be on the same page about such things, don't you think?

I am hoping there is no backlash today, and actually, I am due an apology from someone for the scatterbrained way this whole thing was handled.

Let's see what happens ... and yes, the bagels tasted really good yesterday.

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