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Friday, May 25, 2018

Rant #2,151: Heroes and Villains

How nice that the NFL players now have a tidy settlement related to their "stance" on the National Anthem.

If they would like, teams don't have to come out and stand to our anthem.

Or, if they like, they can come out and do pretty much whatever they want.

Teams will be fined, not individual players, and the teams, like the New York Jets, are more than happy to pay those fines, said their owners, because it is a free speech issue, and they support the players in whatever they do, even bring disgrace to themselves and to the league.

Yes, it is a free speech issue, but since when is the playing field a political football, so to speak?

We love our sports because it takes us away from life's realities for a few hours at a time.

Why politicize our relaxation?

And why pay these players millions and millions of dollars to insult us?

Heck, thank goodness it isn't my money.

The other major sports generally haven't had such a problem, why just football?

Basketball has been on the fringes of this, but has weathered the storm because the NBA has a rule that players stand for the anthem, and if they don't, they are fined.


I don't know about hockey and baseball, but those two sports have had minimal disruptions caused by negative activities during the National Anthem.

Whatever the case, this is Memorial Day Weekend, where we honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country, something the football players have absolutely no clue about, even though they profess that they do.

Let's go back to Rant No. 1,444, May 22, 2015, to explore my feelings about Memorial Day, which applied three years ago, and also do now.

"And so it goes.

I know that many of you have off from work today, or will at least get a partial day off, and others will have to work the entire day, leading to the fruits of a holiday weekend.

I am happy to have the upcoming Monday off, but let's face it, few of us really think about what the holiday really means, we all crave the day off because, well, it is a day off.

Memorial Day is the federal holiday honoring those Americans who have died fighting in wars and conflicts our country has been in.

But does anyone really think about that when they are flipping the burgers on the barbecue?

Memorial Day might be a "memorial" day for these brave Americans, but how many of us really think about that while we are relaxing that day?

But the ultimate sacrifices these men and women made actually allow us to sit on the chaise lounge and take in the sun and the hot dogs.

Our way of life is assured by the actions of our military, who often fight in unpopular battles but do what they have to do to make sure that we are free.

I know that it seems so elementary, but these men and women are our real heroes, the people who do the dirty work so we all can be free.

With our very existence threatened by those people and countries who are jealous of our way of life, and the constant struggles we have in every day life to begin with, a day like Memorial Day should be savored, because a lot goes in to having a life like we have.

Sure, it is not perfect, but is there anywhere else where so many freedoms that we have are enjoyed?

So on this Memorial Day, yes, flip those burgers, enjoy the sun, shop those sales, and enjoy your day off.

But if only for a moment, think about what went into this day, why we celebrate it, and why that is more important than anything else."

That being said, have a wonderful holiday, and I will speak to you again on Tuesday.

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