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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Rant #1,640: Whose Bathroom Is It Anyway?

In the world I grew up in, there was the women's bathroom, and there was the men's bathroom.

That was pretty much it.

If you were a man, you used a men's bathroom; if you were a woman, you used the women's bathroom.

Later, some places added bathrooms for those who are handicapped, or at least added stalls for those with these issues.

Even later, some places added larger bathrooms for families with children, so as to make it easier to take care of the little ones with some privacy.

Fine. I can go for all of that.

But of course in today's world, things are quite different, and not as black and white as the world that I grew up in.

We have transgender people, some of whom believe that they are being discriminated against, because they aren't allowed to use the bathroom of their new persona, but the bathroom of the sex that they were born with.

Or so says a new North Carolina law, which has gotten people all in a tizzy, that says that transgender people must use the public bathroom corresponding to the gender on their birth certificate.

People are in an uproar over this, and probably for the wrong reasons.

I am in an uproar over this, not for the same reasons.

Honestly, I don't care that transgender people are offended by this law.

What I do care about is that myself, and people like me, have to ask ourselves the following question: "Why is such a law necessary to begin with?"

It seems nobody cares about the majority anymore; all we care about is upsetting a very small minority's sensibilities.

Look, it is not as if transgender people have only been around the last year.

People under this unfortunate circumstance have been around since the 1950s, when Christine Jorgensen--who lived in my town on Long Island and who my mother knew when she worked the changing rooms at various department stores in our local Sunrise Mall in the 1970s and 1980s--took the plunge, the first person to change their sex entirely with their own consent.

What have these people done for decades? They go into the bathroom that they need to go into, and use the stall, which is not only more private, but affords them the luxury of doing what they need to do without anyone judging them.

If they are part way through their gender change, or all the way through, the stall affords them the luxury of doing what they have to do without anyone looking at them and judging them.

We needs a law for this?

Rabble rousers--those looking to overturn every tenet that this country stands for--certainly think we do, but I ask you--do think this law is discriminatory?

I don't feel it is discriminatory, I feel that it is insulting that we even need to waste our time on a law like this one.

But the state is evidently sick and tired of having to bend over backwards for every special interest group that demands ridiculous PC changes in this day and age, and thus, they feel that such a law is necessary to combat these rabble rousing hooligans, who want equal rights no matter what the cost or how stupid they look.

When one goes into a stall, it is for privacy, or because they have to do No. 2.

Who looks under the adjoining stall to see how the person does what he or she is doing?

I mean, Kaitlyn Jenner, who I assume uses the female bathroom now, isn't even a female, because this person has not gone all the way with the gender change, and has no intention of doing so. so even though this person is now living as a woman, this person continues to have male genitalia.

Since there are no standup urinals in female bathrooms, Jenner has go to the bathroom in a stall, anyway, so who is going to see how Jenner is relieving himself/herself?

This law is so absolutely stupid, because it offends the sensibilities of the majority.

Most people do not change their sexual identity, even though Jenner has said on record that his/her situation is "the new norm."

No it isn't. Period.

These people have every right to use the bathroom, but do they have a right to insult me?

No, I don't think so.

In the men's bathroom, a transgender person will go to the bathroom the same way I will, I would assume, either using the standup toilet or the sitdown toilet.

In a women's bathroom, where the choices are limited to one type of toilet, where is the problem?

We need laws for this? Is anybody checking one's birth certificate at the door of the bathroom to make sure what sex a person is?

Is a transgender man who hasn't committed entirely to his new sex going to take out his female private part to use the standup urinal toilet?

This is the most insipidly stupid legislation I can ever remember. I don't care how other people go to the bathroom, as long as I can take care of my own business without being insulted.

And this legislation is insulting, and completely unnecessary. Period.


  1. A basic function of government is to protect the rights of the minority. I won't be visiting Norh Carolina anytime soon. This rant of yours today is very crappy!

  2. Do what you feel is right. We are talking about such a small minority of people that it doesn't seem fair that taxpayer money--yes, your money too--is being wasted on such nonsense. I also understand that this is part of a larger issue, that of discriminating against people because of their sexual orientation, but the bathroom is one place where there is no discrimination. You need to use it, you go. Do transgenders need to proclaim that they are either male or female now to use the bathroom? Are people standing at the door checking their credentials? And as far as those not wanting to go to North Carolina now, those that support this idiocy on traveling are the same people supporting Obama's trip to Cuba, a country where human rights of every perceivable kind have been violated for generations. They support travel to that country, but don't support travel to a member of our union. Talk about crappy logic!

  3. Larry, you are NOT the majority. Nor do most of us feel it is a waste of taxpayer money to protect the rights of the minority against the tyranny of the majority. Though frankly, I support a more European style of rest room -- genderless.

    1. I second what Songbird said, and this rant was about going and not to Cuba.

  4. Yes, Robin, in the middle of the urban jungle, you want a genderless restroom. Sorry, that isn't going to happen in our lifetime, and I do not have to go into why, you darn well know why. And as far as the tyranny of the majority, I don't know, I never terrorized anybody about going to the toilet. This is such a stupid thing on both sides of the ledger, and I am both against the law itself and the people who feel we need equality when we take a dump or pee. And Cuba is a good example; we allow what has happened there for generation to continue as if it never happened, yet we dump on some of our own citizens because we don't agree with the law that they may impose. Very smart, very, very smart, and very stupid and without justification. Sorry, I wash my hands of this whole thing, which, from what I have been told, is becoming a rarity in some rest rooms.

  5. Further, I just love people who believe that there are no differences between men and women. There are, and no legislation was ever needed to dissuade anyone--no matter what their gender--from relieving themselves. There is no equality in the bathroom--people do what they need to do and then they wash up (hopefully) and leave. Go behind a door if you need to go, but please, don't regulate me while you are doing so. The people for bathroom rights are as wrong as those pushing the bill, because this is all frivolous; nothing is needed.

  6. Larry, the fact that Cuomo has now banned NYS employees from unnecessary travel to North Carolina because if it's anti-LGBT legislation should tell you of the importance of the issue. So yeah, even though you think it's a waste of time and money, an enlightened government continues to march forward. would you have imagined same sex marriage being legal in all 50 states? Ten years ago we would have said it is impossible. Ten years from now, who knows how our society will have progressed. Listen to the millennials, listen to their values on social issues. Your grandchildren and mine will be growing up in a gender-fluid society.

  7. Yes, you do need to educate yourself on what "transgender" really is, why bathroom issues are so important, and why this legislation is such a horror show.

  8. ... and why there is a need for it because of special interest groups creating an issue where there isn't one. I am the one feeling violated here, where are my rights? Again, there is something called a stall, and I don't think that many bathrooms will have attendants checking birth certificates. Using your thinking, transvestites should also have their own legislation for how they use the bathroom. Let's pander to every interest that there is. What a load of nonsense and a waste of time. What do you do with those who are sort of changed, but sort of not, like Kaitlyn Jenner, who I am sure you support as "Woman of the Year" as Glamour Magazine did. This world is off kilter, and it starts at the top. We need people in place who will make things right again. Every behavior cannot be accepted as normal. I could say more, but I am going to hold off because ... I have to go to the bathroom ...

  9. Larry, I sent you a poster via Facebook. It's not just about LGBT issues. that's what's bringing it to the forefront, but it's also about:

    Fathers with daughters
    Mothers with sons
    Parents with disabled children
    Adults with aging parents that need assistance

    And Larry, it's "Caitlyn" Jenner. She's not one of my favorite people, but...I want Caitlyn in the ladies room, and I want Chaz Bono in the men's room, but under this legislation, Caitlyn goes into the men's room and Chaz has to use the ladies' room. For celebrities, it may not be an issue, but for every "Chaz" who isn't famous, for every "Caitlyn" who isn't famous, it makes for very awkward situations.

  10. It is awkward all around. But again, nobody is checking credentials at the door Let them go where they want go, and use the stall if they need to. Chaz has the necessaries, so he can use the urinal. Jenner does not, let him use the stall. This world is terribly screwed up, and I don't want politics to be played with in the bathroom, of all places. Utter nonsense brought up by the PC crowd.

    1. Larry, the world is moving forward and your reactionary views are leaving you behind.


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