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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Rant #3,650: The Way

President Trump delivered an incredible speech on Tuesday evening, and polls say that more than two-thirds of Americans liked what he said.

The Democrats demonstrated what a nasty bunch most of them really are with their behavior, and the Republicans--whether you believe them or not--seem to be more in tune with our country's needs, wants and desires.

The Democrats showed their true personality when they did not stand up and cheer that young cancer survivor, who was made an  honorary Secret Service agent by the president.

But the president also made a major gaffe, not acknowledging the presence of Israeli citizens who were taken hostage during that horrible situation in the Middle East.

The president acknowledged just about every special guest that was there, but not the Israelis, who went through months of capture and torture until they were finally released.

Some of those present were parents of now dead hostages, some had dual American/Israeli citizenship, and his speech barely spoke about this conflict, only mentioning Israel related to an "Iron Dome" type of protection the president wants for our country, much like the one employed in Israel.

I expected more, but it wasn't coming.

But the Democrats really demonstrated to the country how miserable they are, and they showed maximum disrespect to the president and the process with their collective behavior.

Not that the president's behavior when he lost to Biden was anything to write home about.

In my estimation, while it wasn't a perfect situation, the president said more that I liked than I didn't like--much more, in fact--and now, he has just one, single term to fulfill his many promises.

And the Democrats' rebuttal went over the usual nonsense about the Republicans brown-nosing the rich, but nobody in the chamber on Tuesday night can be called "poor"--not with the salary and the perks they get for being elected to office, and some are extremely wealthy--so this argument is a bogus one.

And perhaps it is time to lessen the belief that yes, our country is very divided; even in the chamber, the Democrats sit on one side, the Republicans on the other.

i have a suggestion to at least make the general public believe that our legislators are in it for the same purpose:

Rather than sit the Democrats on one side and the Democrats on the other, sit the legislators not by party, but by state.

This would enable both Democrats and Republicans to sit side by side with each other, and lessen the belief that both parties are out for their own interests, and not the interests of the American people.

Maybe it will even force them to talk to each other, like the responsible people they are supposed to be.

No, I dont fully trust any of these legislators-Democrats nor Republicans--and that is why I didn't vote for either of their presidential choices.

Yes, I know, my suggestion will never happen, but I think it is a nice thought.

"United we stand, divided we fall."

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