Another day of nothing ...
But things are going to pick up by the end of the week, as I have another one of those dastardly meetings to cover for work.
I was speaking to my wife over the weekend, and we were talking about our work situations--
As supposedly "retired" people.
My wife actually officially retired, but found that she was bored, but more importantly, missed her weekly paycheck.
Me, I was forced to retire, but have really never stopped working, and probably can't --
And won't, for as long as I can do it.
But we agreed that at this stage of the game, we wish we could really be retired, like other people do, with their only concerns being ...
Well not much, pretty much none at all.
We aren't looking at the jobs we have unkindly; never look a gift horse in the mouth.
But we wish we could just actually be retired, but that doesn't seem to be possible.
In fact, we plan on going on our first vacation in a couple of years later this year, and like the previous two or so vacations we did manage to take, it won't be a "real" vacation for me, as I will have my laptop with me and will have to work for the duration of our time away.
No work, no pay ... this is a vacation?
How ironic that while the two of us wish we could live out our supposed retirement years like we should be doing--as honest to goodness retired people--our son is just looking for a chance at the start of a real career.
It is just so funny, but so sad at the same time.
Again--and I know I have repeated this a million times already--I have no clue what retirement means, no clue at all.
All that I do know is that what I have experienced for the past several years cannot possibly be what retirement is all about.
If you are enjoying your retirement, bully for you.
My wife and I aren't, and we worry about our son and his future employment prognosis--
So what, me worry?
You bet I do, every day, all the time.
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