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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Rant #2,529: Happy Birthday To You

 I am about all talked out about politics right now, and I think everyone else is too.

I did have a letter published in Newsday yesterday related to the political environment we are in now, but other than posting a photo of my letter here—and noting that it was posted just to the right of an editorial about the late Alex Trebek—I am not going to go into it much here today, simply because it goes through the same territory I have been speaking about since the election process ended.
We need changes made related to mail-inn ballots, we need uniformity when it comes to voting for president between the states, and what happened this time should never, ever happen again.
Now that I have repeated myself simply for the sake of my published letter—which I had no idea was going to be in yesterday’s edition, as no one from the newspaper contacted me, like they normally do, when they are going to run a letter in their Letters to the Editor section—that is going to be that for today.
Goodbye, and I will speak to you again tomorrow.
Wait a minute, that is not how it works here.
I have plenty more to say, but on a topic that, thank goodness, has nothing to do with politics at all.
I want to talk about my wife, the greatest woman in the world to me, who celebrates another birthday today.

I won’t tell you her age, but if you looked at her, there would be no way that you would think that she is that age.
Yes, she looks that good.
How does she do it?
She watches herself like a hawk, that’s how.
She watches what she eats, she goes to the gym several times a week, and on days she can’t go, she exercises at home.
She has tremendous discipline in watching herself, and other than experiencing the usual aches and pains from aging, she is as fit as a fiddle.

She is actually five months older than I am, but you would think that I am the older one if we were standing together.
And believe me, I am as pleased as punch to say that, because with all the hard work she puts into being healthy, she deserves that accolade.
Here is a little bit of what I said about my wife in Rant #1,550, of course dated on her birthday, November 10, 2015.
“She is a great girl, comes from a great family, and we share lots in common.
As I tell our son all the time, she is the boss of this family, and that is how I like it.
She tells us what she wants us to do, and we do it.
And we love her for it.
She has so many attractive attributes, as well as just being attractive, that they are too numerous to name.
But here we are. Another year has gone by, and although in age we are getting older, in spirit, we are where we always have been and hopefully, always will be.”
Yes, everything I said five years ago still holds true today.

My wife is the true light of my life, and I love her with every ounce of my body, mind and soul.
So happy birthday to the greatest woman in the world, and I know she will just love the cards and gifts that my won and I got her to celebrate her special day.
We will get to that later today, but right now, what more can I say?
Happy Birthday!

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