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Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Rant #2,524: Today's the Day

Today is Election Day!
Hooray, hurrah, the day is finally here!
Today is the day to vote, doing your civic duty as a citizen of this country.
Now is the time to stop the arguing and put your vote into play.
And your vote does count!
There is no reason not to vote, so go ahead and cast your ballot for whoever you believe is the right candidate.
Let's look back on what I wrote about the day in Rant #1,316, dated November 4, 2014. 
What I said six years ago still rings true today. Here it is in an edited format:
"Today is Election Day, and it is time to employ your civic duty and vote during the national election day being held today.
Who we vote for pretty much demonstrates how much faith we have in our President and his policies.
But whoever you vote for, get down to the polling place and vote.
But no, I won't monitor you to see if you are voting.
It really isn't my business who you vote for, just that you vote.
All I can say is that it is time to judge those running on what they have done during their most recent terms, and to remove those who haven't lived up to the standards that we voted on these men and women to uphold.
You have to stand by your convictions. I can look myself in the mirror, and I can say I did a good job voting.
Anyway, the most important thing is to get out and vote.
And I plan on doing that sometime during the day.”
I still believe this.
It is more important to get out and vote than who you vote for.
This is a privilege and an honor we have to uphold; service members died to uphold this privilege during all of our wars, so the least we can do is pay them back for making the ultimate sacrifice.
So I will vote on Election Day, and I hope that you will too.
And whoever wins, and whoever loses, I will still get up in the morning, take a shower, eat breakfast, and be right here tomorrow.
It won’t change my routine, and I won’t die if my choices are not voted in.
I might be disappointed, but that is it.
I am not going to my local stores and break into them, destroy them, or set them on fire.
Let’s all act like adults about this.
And for those who cannot control themselves, they should be punished to the full extent of the law.
Simple as that.
So have a good Election Day. Do you civic duty as I will.
It’s so little to ask, and so much to gain.

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