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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Rant #3,346: First Of May

Let's celebrate Jewish American Heritage Month!

Let's find out the intrinsic ties between the Jewish population and our country!

What, never heard of this celebration?

You are not alone.

I don't mind that the other "months" get coverage; I do mind that this particular celebration is completely ignored by the media.

And I ask the same question: why is that?

And why is that with all the anti-Semitism simmering in this country?

Well, it is pretty obvious, wouldn't you agree?

The term "systemic racism" is used at the drop of a hat as a catch-all phrase for various ills the country has, but I have yet to hear "systemic anti-Semitism" ever uttered, but it does exist, in particular in the media, which constantly tries to "right wrongs" when it comes to others, but when it comes to Jews ...

Heck, when you have prominent Jewish Americans only using their Jewishness when it lines their pocketbooks, why should anyone care--or understand--the Jewish heritage?

And that media negligence makes them culpable in the rise of anti-Semitism in this country.

And yes, the entertainment industry, too.

You want a solid example ... 

The CBS Evening News last night did not provide a moment of coverage for Holocaust Remembrance Day.

However, it went on and on about the ceasefire that Hamas approved, one that is so one sided that there is no way that Israel can agree to it.

The show also continued showing closeups of doe-eyed Palestinian children suffering, a situation created by Hamas, their own ruling body.

The CBS Evening News has become increasingly one sided. Since that fateful October day, its anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rhetoric has only increased.

Anchor Norah O'Donnell must be held fully responsible for this situation.

I have been bringing up this increasingly virulent situation for years, and some of my fellow Jews have called me every name in the book for my beliefs. 

And believe me, I wish I was wrong. 

But unfortunately, everything I say is true, and it is festering right now, with no end in sight.

And I am sorry ... when the "plight" of Pacific Islanders is highlighted more prominently than the "plight" of the Jews in this country--in particular in the New York Metropolitan Area market, featuring the largest Jewish population in the world other than Israel itself--you know there is a major problem.

The problem isn't going away so fast, certainly not in the environment we are in now.

You have all of these vicious campus protests, and the anti-Semitism which is front and center in these protests is downplayed.

And when it is spoken about, it is lumped in with anti-Muslim or Islamophobia ... it has nothing to do with any of those failings.

And notice how the media refers to Hamas as "militants" now, rather than as "terrorists," which they had been acknowledged as being throughout the world.

The next thing is that they will be portrayed as a humanitarian organization ...

Dont laugh, that time is coming.

Now, how about Jewish American Heritage Month? 

Here is what I said about Jewish Anerican Heritage Month, in edited form, in Rant #3,128, May 9, 2023.

It bears worth repeating.

"To celebrate that great success we hare had—as well as the struggles we continue to have, as anti-Semitism is on a dramatic rise in this country—we have Jewish American Heritage Month, which started in 2006 and is this month, to put a spotlight on our accomplishments in this country, as well as the problems some still have with us being as successful as many of us are here.

Jews are clearly woven into the fabric of our country’s history, but some still refuse to acknowledge this fact.

The problem is that this annual celebration gets virtually no acknowledgement from the mainstream media, receives little-to-no coverage at all, paling in comparison to other such celebrations which dot the calendar throughout the year.

Why is that?

The reason is that Jews are not part of the government's eight Special Emphasis programs, which includes Asians, Blacks, Women. LGBTQ and others, meaning that the federal government does not consider Jews as an oppressed group.

With anti-Semitic acts on a steep rise every year, and with an increasing amount of hate speech directed at the Jewish population, this is, quite frankly, hard to believe, but true.

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, which is also this month, gets precedence and full coverage because this group is thought to be oppressed by our government and our country.

It is shameful, but it is true.

Not to minimize their pain, but we get bombarded this month by tributes, remembrances and what have you for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, but little to nothing about Jewish American Heritage Month, which is really striking for a variety of reasons.

Notice that the rise of anti-Semitism is real—so why the cover-up beyond what I just told you?

And don’t tell me that the lack of coverage for this month does not add to the rise in anti-Semitism that we are going through now, but I think that, unfortunately, my Jewish brethren are at least partly to blame for this invisibility.

Many of us cavalierly have blended themselves into the mainstream of society, and have no idea what anti-Semitism is, simply because they don’t really know who they are.

And many others know what anti-Semitism is, but choose to ignore its very existence.

This is just so wrong on both counts, but as a proud Jewish American, I, personally don’t ignore what is happening in this country right now as easily as others seemingly do.

To each his own, but when Jews are not considered to be oppressed anymore, yet anti-Semitic incidents are on the rise, there is something wrong here, something very wrong.

That Jewish people in this country have somehow persevered through all the hatred is to be commended, and almost completely ignoring Jewish American Heritage Month is a clear slap in the face to this group of people who have had such a major impact on our nation.

And yes, ignoring this month is also sort of under-the-radar anti-Semitism, which is probably the worst anti-Semitism that there is, because it clearly exists, but is completely ignored by the mainstream, the very faction that perpetuates its existence."

You can cover it up as much as you like. 

But if you are Jewish, you are Jewish.

Be proud of that fact.

Nothing more needs to be said.

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