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Friday, May 3, 2024

Rant #3,344: All You Need Is Love

I wanted to tone down my Rant for today.

I have spoken about some heavy topics this week, and I wanted to make it a lille bit lighter for today.

But first, the heavy stuff.

New York City has finally taken some action on the encampments pockmarking many city campuses, but I have noticed a pattern taking place that is very disturbing.

The current city administration refuses to admit that these seiges on school property were anti-Semitic in nature, stating that these encampments started peacefully, but ramped up because of outsiders. 

If you hear what Jewish students have said, the verbal and physical abuse began immediately. 

And also, by the way, none of the press conferences mentioned this physical and verbal violence as a reason that police were finally allowed to come in and restore order. 

It had to do with the destruction of property on campus, and the term "anti-Semitism" was never uttered during these press conferences.

I guess it just isn't that important ... except for those who experience it.

Now ...

"All You Need Is Love" ... and that is the way I am going to segue into the lighter portion of today's Rant.

Last Sunday was my birthday, and my family and I had over to our apartment a couple of our closest relatives for a little get together.

I received some nice gifts, including that Monkees jacket I told you about the other day.

I also received a gift card and some cash and some other nice things, so I had a great 67th birthday celebration.

As you know, I am very involved with my hobby, which is record collecting, and a lot of those gifts are going toward fortifying my collection.

I ordered lots of stuff online from eBay and Discogs, and most of it went for records put out by the Beatles from their heyday, 1964 to 1971.

I have an incredible amount of their recordings--both singles and LPs--but I don't have everything.

And while I am pretty confident that I won't ever be able to fill every hole in my Beatles collection, I can still find decent deals on many of their records, including those 45s that I am missing.

Before I ordered anything, I went through my entire Beatles 45 RPM collection, and I saw what I had and what I was missing.

One if the 45s I was missing was "All You Need Is Love" backed with "Baby You're a Rich Man," a single I could have sworn that I once had.

But I evidently don't have it, so I found a good price, and it will enter my collection when I receive it, reportedly next week.

I think thst it is so ironic that during this time of extreme turmoil from coast to coast, I am missing the one "thought" expressed in the title of the song that we should all consider right now.

I know it is pretty naive to say what I did but--

"All You Need Is Love" ...

What a concept.

Have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday.

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