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Monday, April 29, 2024

Rant #3,340: i'm a Happy Guy

I had a nice birthday on Sunday, having some relatives over, including my sister and her husband, my daughter and my aunt.

It was a fun day for everyone, and the food was good and the gifts were nice, too.

I hadn't seen my sister since last September at our mother's funeral, so it was really great to see her again.

I picked up my aunt at the Long Island Railroad station, and it was great to see her again  too.

The only negative was that my allergies were very bad all afternoon, and I suffered from a good run of the sniffles, but I got through it fairly well.

And on Facebook, I had several dozen people wish me happy birthday, and let me tell you, I really appreciate it.

When I had my accident(s) and basically was chained to my bed for months, those friends helped me stay on top of things, and kept me current and active.

So I thanked them for that.

As I have mentioned numerous times, I have many months to go in my rehab, but I do believe I am getting better by the day.

And those who wished me happy birthday on Facebook--some are Facebook friends, others I have known for decades--have definitely helped me in my rehab, just by hearing me out, if nothing more. 

I am getting better because of these people and the interactions we have had, and I am better as a person for speaking to all of them through Facebook.

And it goes without saying that without the backbone of my family, I woukd never have been in a position to be where I am today. 

There would be no light at the end of the proverbial tunnel without their support.

So all in all, I had a great day, bolstered by the fact that both the Knicks and Yankees won their games on Sunday.

In the Yankees game, Anthony Volpe, who I share a birthday with on the same day, hit a homer on his own special day.

I am about three times older than he is, but it was like I was rounding the bases with him.

So all in all, I had a nice day ... and I hope those nice days continue tomorrow and into the future.

So thanks again to everyone who made my birthday into a ... home run.

Onward and upward!!!!!!

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