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Friday, April 26, 2024

Rant #3,339: Another Brick In the Wall

I have spoken about some very serious subjects in this Blog lately, and I decided that today, I would speak about something a bit lighter.

And based on my viewing numbers, I think people would rather that I write about the lighter stuff rather than the intense stuff.

That appears to be true, but I will continue to write about things that rile me up when I feel it is necessary.

But today, let's dive right into the lighter stuff--

And I do mean "dive right in," because my birthday just happens to be this coming Sunday, April 28.

Another year if my life is just about over, and to that, I say "good riddance," because it has been without a doubt, the worst year of my life.

it sermed that everything thst could go wrong did, and did in a very big way.

I lost my mother, my car died. I lost the house that i lived in for more than 50 years, and i lost my mobility due to two very freak accidents.

I lost it all, and I quite nearly lost my sanity.

But things are definitely on the uptick.

The house was sold, my health is improving by the day, i am sleeping better--with a few hiccups--and i am just feeling better about everything.

1 am finally behind the wheel again, and that makes everything so much better.

So as I turm 67 years of age. Things are not as bleak as they once were. I have a long way to go ... but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel

So let's look back at what I wrote, in edited form, in Rant #951, April 26, 2013, when things were just so much different in my life.

"Happy birthday to me.

Well, not just yet, but happy birthday to me anyway.

My birthday is on Sunday, April 28, and since I don't write any Rants on the weekend, I figured I would celebrate a little early.

It seems the years have gone fast.

My mother often told me that as a young child, I was clearly "Larry the Menace," getting into everything and being a real pain in the butt.

She told me a story that one time, she was shopping with me, and visibly pregnant with my sister, who was born at the tail end of 1959. I was so bad that she was standing on line to check out, and another woman actually had the nerve to say to her, "And you want another child?"

I could swear that only yesterday, I was playing in the mud in the grime of my old stomping grounds in Rochdale Village, South Jamaica Queens, New York.

Even though I haven't lived in New York City since 1971, I am a city kid at heart, always will be.

The suburbs have been my home since then, but you can take the kid out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the kid.

I have a great wife, a great family, so why complain?

So happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Larry, happy birthday to me."

That what I said all those years ago, and it still holds true.

I am older and wiser now, and even though I am currently under repair, I know that my wheels will be better, and I will ne rolling around as best I can leading up to me completely beating this injury to a pulp.

So, have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday ...

A year older, but still with that vim and vigor I have always had.

Onward and upward!!!!!!!

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