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Monday, June 20, 2022

Rant #2,920: Roll With the Flow

After a very good Father’s Day Weekend, I am miserable today.
No, it had nothing to do with yesterday's Yankees’ loss, it has to do with my allergies.
They are terrible today, and I do mean terrible.
Both of my eyes are watery, and I cannot see clearly out of each one of them.
My whole left side is a mess … even my teeth hurt.
My allergies just throw off my whole body at times, and that time is today.
I overslept because of my current situation, and as I sit here typing this out, all that I am doing is blowing my nose and trying to focus my eyes on the computer screen.
Two hours from now, it should be better, but it won’t be great today, or at least as it good as it should be.
But the weekend, at least, was quite good, and I hope that your weekend was good too.
Record Store Day on Saturday morning was not as hectic and busy as it has been in the past, simply because the slate of releases simply wasn’t as good as in the past.
Nonetheless, I got up really early and stood on line with others like me—I was second in line—and between the banter and what I ended up buying, it was well worth the lack of sleep, some of which I made up later on in the morning with a good two-hour nap.
Sunday was Father’s Day, and once again, to me, it earned “Holiday of the Year” accolades.
I just love Father’s Day. It is MY holiday, as it is for every father, and there is nothing like it on the calendar.
I had a house full of people, I barbecued lots of food, and I drank more soda than I have been drinking, so how bad could it be?
Everything came out great, we had few leftovers, and the only setback was that it was about 10 degrees cooler than it should have been, and it was windy as it could be, but otherwise, it was a perfect day for myself and my family and my extended family.
I hope all of you had a similar experience in your celebration of the holiday.
And then we have my pool …
We just can’t get it right. I went to the pool store, and I was told that it is not just our pool, but a lot of people are having problems bringing their backyard pools up to snuff this year, because the winter was a fairly warm one.
Warmth breeds algae in the pool, and it is taking a mighty effort to rid our pool of the green stuff.
We backwashed, we put in a ton of shock, but so far, while things have improved, it remains non-swim-ready.
It goes from milky green to cloudy and back again, and I just don’t know what else to do.
We are going to have to go back to the pool store maybe tomorrow or on Wednesday, and see what more we can do, but it is getting me frustrated as all hell that this thing isn’t ready yet.
The only good thing is that this does not look like a swimming week, with temperature way below what they should be, so we have another week to go before the pool will really be needed.
And yes, we really need the pool.
The person who might need the pool the most is my wife, who begins her jury duty adventure on Tuesday.
Jury duty is just one of those things in life that you have to do and have to get through, and hopefully, they won’t need her and she will be excused.
But right now, she has to traipse down to the local court here in Nassau County to fulfill her obligation—thank goodness she doesn’t have to go to Brooklyn to get this done!
And she has to sit there, and wait, and wait, and wait, until they either call her name or simply tell her “we don’t need you” and she is sent packing.
Let’s hope it is the latter case, but if this stretches on and they do need her, she will definitely need some pool time to relax her a bit.
So I guess to sum up every thing, the weekend was good, some other stuff wasn’t as good, but while everything is not totally copacetic, everything is “cope-able.”
One always wants more, but sometimes, you simply have to roll with the flow and hope that it all works out.

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