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Thursday, June 2, 2022

Rant #2,909: I Can't Take It

My allergies are really bad today.
I can’t see very well; everything is pretty foggy as my eyes are dripping and my nose is running like a faucet.
And to top it off, yesterday afternoon at about 2:45 p.m. or so, we had another power outage.
What made this one worse than the one from the previous day is that it happened right in the middle of a story I was editing.
Happily, I had just saved all my work, so when the power came back on at about 2:55 p.m. or so, I wasn’t missing much, and the damage was minimal.
The whole thing is just a pain in the butt, because beyond the computer, when we have a power failure, I have to make sure that everything with s clock or timer is properly reset, and it is just so annoying to have to do this, as most of what we have falling under that category does not reset itself; I have to do it manually.
But whatever the case, that makes two days in a row that we had a power failure, and let’s not make it three today.
No, June did not start off very well for my family and I, but we at least received a bit of good news.
It revolved around the major nightmare that we have had to try to handle over the past few months, and that is our health insurance, which has given us nothing but grief since my wife retired and we no longer were able to use her work-provided insurance.
On Monday, we received a notice in the mail that our primary care doctor was dropping our health plan, an alert that we received from our insurance company.
The three of us have doctor’s visits upcoming, and not only would that potentially foul up those visits, but it would foul us up long term, because we would have to search for another doctor to handle us, which is a real headache.
(You might remember that I started going to this doctor under duress, after my then-current GP was arrested for drug dealing some years ago.)
Anyway, in a total panic, I called our doctor’s office on Tuesday, only to get an ambiguous message that appeared to state that the office was closed (it didn’t come right out and say it, it kind of beat around the bush until it got to its point).
So I called again yesterday, and they were in, and after being initially disconnected, I finally got through.

Evidently, the information we received from our insurance company about our doctor dropping our insurance coverage was only partly true.
It appears that doctors have to re-up their coverage with whatever insurance they want to carry, and that our doctor had not yet re-upped with them, so he was in sort of a limbo with them, betwixt and between.
Evidently on our insurance company’s end, this sent up an immediate red flag, and that is why we were contacted by them.
The receptionist I spoke to at our doctor assured us that we would not have a problem when we had our appointments, that he would be all-in on our insurance when we had those appointments, so there was nothing to worry about.
Well, we will soon find out if that is true,
So everything continues to be topsy turvy with our health insurance. I am sure that this will all work out, but from the moment that we lost my wife’s insurance, we have had nothing but problems with whatever insurance that we had.
If it isn’t one thing, it’s another, and once again I say to you that if you have good insurance from your work—or your former work as part of your retirement plan—kiss the ground, because if you have to go through what my family has to go through, you would truly understand how lucky you are.
Yes, it is very upsetting, depressing, call it what you want, but it is also totally unfair.
But what ca we do?
I guess the only thing that we can do is hope that today is not “Power Failure, Part 3” as we move through the day.
Is that too much to hope for?
At this point, I just don’t know anymore …
I just don’t know.

And by the way, my son has to go to the dentist today …
And less any cavities or root canals or anything else, we hope that everything goes smoothly with the insurance process …
And with his teeth, of course.

And also by the way, I am supposed to be paid on the first of the month in my aforementioned job, and lo and behold, I have not yet been paid ...

And today we do our food shopping, so it would be nice if I had my money, wouldn't it? 

If I don't get paid today, I will have to alert them about this.

Why are these types of things seemingly always happening to me?

This is retirement? Send me back to full-time work ASAP!
Let’s see what happens, but as things are going right now, I am prepared for anything. 

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