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Friday, July 9, 2021

Rant #2,689: I Can See For Miles

I welcome myself back to the Ranting and Raving Blog.
I had to take a day off because I supposedly had an early appointment yesterday, something that never materialized, and that I am not too happy about.
This is the second time that this has happened during the past two weeks, and now I have to wait another two weeks to get an appointment.
It has nothing to do with my health—I am going to have to take a day off from the Blog next week because of that—but it is just so frustrating when an appointment has to be broken, and then broken twice.
They say the third time is the charm, so I hope to have the appointment kept the next time, or these people can go---well, you know where they can go.
But it ended up that yesterday, I really needed a day off from the computer, and taking the day off from the blog was almost necessary.
With my eyes being the way they are now, I simply cannot sit at the computer doing work for long stretches, and over the past couple of days before yesterday, I really pushed myself to do my work, and I found that I simply cannot do it the same way anymore.
I was given an interview to transcribe, an interview that lasted nearly 80 minutes broken down into two parts, with the first part encomp0assing two-thirds of the total interview.
I found that after an hour of transcribing—which translated to about six minutes of the interview—my eyes would begin to bother me, so I was doing six minutes of the interview at a time, three times a day leading up to Wednesday.
But on Wednesday;, I got the call that this thing really had to be done on that day, so for the last 28 minutes or so of the interview, I really pushed myself, and pushed myself well beyond my current capabilities.
I finished the transcription, sent it in, and my eyes were heaving …
And when I woke up on Thursday, they were heaving like they never had before.
I did whatever stuff I regularly do on the Internet, and I literally shut it all down by near 8 a.m. yesterday.
I was done for the day, and I just tried to rest my eyes for the remainder of the day.
This is MY new normal, as we all go through a new normal, and both these normals stink as far as I am concerned.
I am a writer, and I need my eyes at full capability to do what I do, and it just isn’t happening now since I had that surgery, and I have been told that this is just something I am going to have to learn to live with probably for the rest of my life.
I am not happy about that, and I will be getting a second opinion from my regular eye doctor later this month.
Perhaps with a change in my glasses I will be able to do my work without any hindrance, but I kind of doubt it, since my overall eyesight is fine, even with lines in my left eye.
Whatever the case, yesterday became nothing more than a rest day, and I am pretty much convinced that I am going to need more rest days in the future.
My eyes were heavy the entire day, and then in the evening, that feeling kind of went away, and I felt much better.
Then I went to sleep, and woke up a few hours later with an absolutely violent headache.
Hurricane Elsa was supposed to come to my area, but at that point it wasn’t quite here yet, so my allergies pretty much gave me my headache, as the atmosphere awaited the oncoming deluge.
As I took two aspirin, I finally heard the pitter-patter of raindrops on our air conditioner, and I went right back to sleep. 

I woke up a few hours later pretty much pain free, but with such a deluge outside that I was thinking about building my own Noah’s Ark, with at least an inch of water on the ground that had nowhere to go, as the drains were filled to the brim with water.
I am typing this Rant out and my eyes are not too great, but I will remember to use spell check, so at least what I am writing will be readable and everything will be spelled correctly.
But I will get through it all, I am convinced of that.
If I can take a laser bean in the eye without any anesthesia at all, then I will be OK.
I can withstand anything, even Kryptonite, so I will be OK, I will manage, I will get through this situation with flying colors.
I am just going to have to pace myself differently, as I really can’t dive into things like I used to anymore.
Yes, getting older is not the greatest thing in the world or the easiest thing to do, but I will manage.
I guess I don’t have much of a choice, do I?
Have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday.

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