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Monday, February 15, 2021

Rant #2,592: Love To Love

So how was your Valentine’s Day?
Did you go the traditional route, buying candy and flower for your loved one, or did you do something completely different in the age of the pandemic?
Well, I bought cards for my wife and my mother, and I went out to a local eatery to get us dinner, but that was really that in my house.
My wife and I agreed that this year, we would not get gifts for one another, and that we would keep it pretty low key, just cards and dinner at whatever eatery she wanted food from.
The card part was pretty easy, although I have to say that the local pharmacy where my son and I bought our cards had a pretty putrid selection of Valentine’s Day cards, but we found cards that fit the bill there.
Getting the food was another story.
We first tried to order it through the Internet, but the order was not going through for whatever reason.
So I decided to go to the eatery, which is part of a chain, and order our meal there, but I found that when I got there, there was a sign on the door saying, “We are closed today; sorry for the inconvenience.”
No other explanation was given.
So I called my wife, and we decided to make the same order at another restaurant in the chain which was across town, so I had to drive there and pick it up.
What had started out as a 10-minute trip to the original restaurant now turned into another 45-minute trek to the other restaurant, there and back,
What made it worse that it was in a mall, a mall that I had not been to in years, and I had no idea where the restaurant was in the mall.
Through trial and error I found it, and I did ask them when I picked up my order about the other restaurant that I had originally gone to, and they had no idea why it was closed.
Could it have gone out of business, could it had been COVID, or was there another reason for its closure?
To this moment I have no idea.
I even looked it up on the Internet, and I cannot find any mention of it being closed.
I will bet that they had a COVID outbreak there and that is why it was shuttered on one of the biggest restaurant days of the year.
Even the president couldn’t have gotten food there today on President's Day, whether he was a sitting president or a president who was impeached twice but won’t have to face any further legal retribution from Congress.
If President Trump was a sitting president, if I had a vote, yes, I would have voted in favor of not only his impeachment, but to further limits to his power in the future.
I simply do not think he did enough about what happened in Washington on January 6, and I think he pretty much egged on the horrid event by sitting on his hands most of the time that the anarchists did what they did, and he even praised them at one point.
But being that he isn’t president anymore, what was the point in this entire proceeding?
It just shows me that the Democrats are afraid of Trump and his 74 million votes come 2024 … not only afraid, but petrified.
I, personally, will never vote for him again, but I am in a minority. I believe that most of those 74 million—probably at least 90 percent of that total—would vote for him again in an instant, and that irks the Democrats.
And then we had the Republicans who were covering their butts by voting with the Democrats in favor of further punishment.
Again—and I have said this numerous times over the past weeks—the only way to clean up Washington is to vote out any and all incumbents, across the board, during the next several election days.
I don’t care if they are Republican or Democrat, but vote them all out, each and every one of them.
They should all be held accountable for the events of January 6, because what they did over the past years in office led to such a horrible thing happening.
You want to clean the swamp, then really clean the swamp.
It is time to put these legislators out to pasture, and put in their place new people, who perhaps can have a new vision on what legislating is supposed to mean.
I guess that is my Valentine’s Day wish on the day after the holiday.
It is a love letter to this country from me, personally.
We can do better than what we have seen recently, and we can do much, much better, in fact.
Love and kisses from me.
And get the heck out of my way. 

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