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Friday, January 8, 2021

Rant #2,568: Ball of Confusion

Honestly, I don’t even know what to write about today.
My allergies are absolutely killing me today—my nose is running like a faucet and I can barely see what I am typing out as my eyes are as watery as Niagara Falls—and my head is still reeling from what happened in Washington on Wednesday.
And my head is also reeling from a president that let us all down.
As I have said in the past, I voted for him, and I think he did a lot of good as our commander in chief.
But his actions since he lost the election … I really have to question his petulant, pouty attitude, and I certainly have to question his response to the storming of the capitol, his praise for those people doing it, and even his latest response, which is so conciliatory that I have to wonder why he just didn’t make that speech in the first place.
I am sure you saw his response to the behavior of the thugs the other day, where he thanked them while he was telling them to go home.
But did you see yesterday’s latest response, which at least CBS did not show on its evening news for whatever reason?
My wife and I saw it on the local News 12 channel, and I guess since the networks have been bashing the president since day one, why show this thing when his days are numbered?
This is the response to his loss that he should have made weeks ago, but didn’t, and we are all the worse for it.
He said there would be a smooth transition to the new administration, and while he didn’t necessarily congratulate Joe Biden, I think if he would have made this speech after Election Day, people on both sides of the aisle would have been satisfied.
Instead, he want on this “stolen election” binge, a road that ultimately led to what happened on Wednesday, a road that this country hasn’t seen and a road that we thought that other countries traveled, but not the U S of A.
The being said, I don’t like the rhetoric that I have heard about those that stormed the capitol.
Those were not real Trump supporters; they were at the very least extreme right wing factions and at the worst, Antifa and anarchists, both looking to destroy this country at any cost.
I have it on good word from someone that was actually there that everything was peaceful, the protestors were having their say as they have the right to do.
Then, at an appointed time, a portion of the crowd got into their battle gear—some even changed clothes to apparel spouting pro-Trump and anti-Semitic and anti-black slogans, just to make it so “obvious” where they stood—picked up the Trump flags and put on the MAGA hats, and stormed the sacred halls of our country.
It was seemingly an orchestrated event, probably by the same people who orchestrated such destructive events in our cities this summer.
So while I could not disagree more with most of those who were marching—the president lost the election due to the millions of mail-in ballots that were cast that pretty much herniated our electoral system, and nothing was “stolen” from him—a majority of the marchers would have had their say and have gone home and were separate from the goons that did the destruction.
And that leads me to the next bit of rhetoric that I take great offense to.
Some in the media are pointing to the inequities in racial justice between how the police and security handled these rioters versus how the police and security handled the rioters in our city streets this summer.
Some have said that justice was meted out swifter in our city streets against blacks then it was in our capitol against whites.
Even our new president has said that, and all that that type of rhetoric does is fan the flames, and while it is not nearly on the level of what the president did when he poured gasoline with his words on what was happening in Washington on Wednesday, it is bad enough.
Blame the leaders of the Washington security force, blame the Washington police force, but don’t state this white vs. Black inequity nonsense.
The authorities were completely overwhelmed in D.C. the other day, and were completely not prepared for what happened.
Similar unpreparedness happened on our city streets this summer, and it took several days of protests to get the police in line with what was happening—including in New York City, which spouts perhaps the most prepared and best police force in the world.
Arrests were made on Wednesday, and arrests were made during those protests in the summer. More will be made in the next days and weeks, and let’s remember that not everyone was herded up during those summer protests until weeks after, and in particular in New York City, most of the charges against the looters were dropped.
The link between the rioters on Wednesday and the rioters during the summer is that they are both groups of thugs, mobs that want you to believe that they stand for one thing—in one case our president, in the other case racial justice—but they actually stand united for one thing: the destruction of this country.
They are both anarchists to the core, and this is not a white or black issue, this is an issue of war against our core American values.
So sorry, our incoming president, you also have to watch your mouth and what you say, too, because all that you are doing is making whatever racial divide that we have even wider with your words.
And then we come to the sitting president, who legislators are trying to remove from office with less than two weeks to go in his term.
I believe that it looks nice on paper—don’t tell me that this is why so many have signed on for this—but it isn’t going to happen for a variety of reasons, one of which being that it would create another mess of problems that would take more than the two weeks he has in office to unravel.
It just isn’t worth the trouble, no matter how stupidly the president has acted since he lost the election.
But by voicing this desire, these legislators—each and every one of whom should be voted out of office the next time around—can save their own political backs, saying that they were on board for this, but there just wasn’t enough time to get it done.
And where does that leave Vice President Mike Pence?
If you want to believe what we are hearing now, he is pretty much running the government now. He is on the outs with the president, who he was so loyal to, he made the electoral college vote stand, and the Democrats state that he has the power to oust the president during his last days in the top spot.
Pence is between a rock and a hard place, and Democrats are now making him look like the bad guy in all of this, because the last I read, he is not agreeing with their desire to invoke the 25th amendment to remove the president from office.
Personally, I think he has done enough to strengthen our country during this great time of need.
There is no need for him to do any more than he has done. He pushed the process forward when it was under great attack, and he stands as the vice president of this country.
He is the true patriot in all of this, and it will be interesting to see if his career as a politician is over or if a new chapter in that career is being opened.
I have new respect for the guy, and I personally wish him well in whatever endeavor he chooses.
As for the president, he has ruined any chance of future public endeavors, and some are crassly even stating that he will do whatever he will do alone, and that his wife will divorce him somewhere down the line.
Let’s not get so self righteous.
We can agree that he cut his own throat with his mouth and his tweeting, and he is done as any significant player in our lives once Biden takes the oath of office.
The end.
Have a nice weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday. 

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