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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Rant #2,566: Say, Say, Say

I hate to be morbid as I open this latest Rant, but I guess the question we are all asking has been answered:
Yes, Tanya Roberts is dead.
Evidently due to some ridiculous miscommunication, her reported death took about a day later to actually happen than was originally reported.

She evidently died of a urinary tract infection, which begs a whole boatload of other questions about her passing, doesn't it?
I don’t get it, and probably, no one does, but that is what happened.
So we can literally put the Roberts story to rest, I guess.

Oy vey!
Now that that is taken care of, what else can we talk about on the sixth day of the year?
I saw a report yesterday about some guy who went to his local supermarket to pick up some groceries, and came away with a coronavirus vaccine shot.
How did this happen?
Sine the report didn’t go into too many details, here are some assumptions:
Evidently, the grocery must have had a pharmacy under its roof, which is not that unusual.
But what happened is that the pharmacy, somehow, got a hold of coronavirus shots.
I assume that they had the shots because they were mandated to give them to elderly patients in nursing homes, as some pharmacies have been permitted to do.
So what we know for sure is that the man, who looked to be in his 30s or 40s, was approached while shopping, and told that the pharmacy had some vaccine serum left, but the serum was expiring—would he like to get a shot right then and there?
He jumped at the chance, got the shot, and not only brought home his fava beans or whatever he was shopping for, but he also brought home the first dose of the vaccine in his body.
And you wonder why distribution and use of the vaccine is so fouled up?
I think the report was sparse on some the facts of this case because it felt that if word got out, it would get in trouble.
Well, it should be in trouble.
Why are they giving extra doses to people low on the getting the vaccine chain?
And why do they have extra doses to begin with?
And remember, until the CDC said no, there was actual thought that we should be getting half allotments of the virus, that a shot should be given and a second shot not given three weeks afterward as prescribed, but weeks later, so that more people would be able to get the first shot, at the very least.
And then you have a story like this!
Oy vet!
And then back to California, there is a movement by people who refuse to wear a mask to flash mob malls and larger stores with their outrage, unmasked and dancing around like it was 1999.
I have seen a few reports about this behavior, which is despicable at the very least, and potentially life threatening at the very most.
Look, you don’t want to wear a mask, sorry, that is not the right way to go at this moment in time, but don’t bring your stupidity out to innocent people, and don’t show off your ignorance in a way that potentially puts people in danger.
I saw a very short interview with the organizer of such flash mobs, and the woman said that wearing the mask is part of a Satanic ritual that she doesn’t buy into “and no one is going to tell me what to do!”
Sounds like a petulant baby to me, stamping her feet on the ground and whimpering about something that is real only in her own mind.
You don’t want to wear a mask … don’t come near me.
I don’t like to wear one either, but heck, I do like my life, and I want to stay alive as long as possible, so if you come near me—which has happened, by the way, a few weeks ago in a supermarket—you are going to have to deal with someone who is not very happy about your behavior.
And Satan has nothing to do with it.

Oy vet!
I don’t know … what else can we talk about today?
Have you received your stimulus check?
No one in my household has received it yet, but since they all must be sent out by January 14, I guess it is coming ,,, like Christmas is.
And with the mail totally fouled up, still reeling from an overloaded holiday mail rush, it could take that long to get those checks if they are being sent to you.
The last time, the checks were sent to us, so I assume that that will be the way we get the latest round of checks.
Who knows? Maybe all I will have to do is walk into my local supermarket, and miraculously, I will get my stimulus check there.
Maybe the report about the date the checks have to be postmarked by is as false as the original reports of Tanya Roberts’ death.
Maybe if I walk around without a mask, the check will miraculously come to me.
Who’s on first?
I don’t know.
Third base.
No soap, radio!
I read that the earth is now spinning at the most rapid rate ever recorded.
Well, does that surprise you?
I’ve been saying for months that the world is off its axis, and maybe I wasn’t that far off from the truth after all. 

Oy vey!

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