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Thursday, February 6, 2020

Rant #2,520: The End

Yes, it's the end of the line for the impeachment of our president, Donald Trump. The president was acquitted of any crimes yesterday afternoon, and will remain as our Commander In Chief at least through January 2021, serving the remainder of his first term as president of the United States of America.

This charade was played out after many, many months, actually, ever since Trump had the audacity, in some people's eyes, of winning the 2016 presidential race over highly favored Hillary Clinton.

There was impeachment talk then. How could Trump, a real estate mogul and former television star, win out over highly favored Clinton, who had the right pedigree and the right connections to lead out country and win in a landslide?

Well, the people spoke, the Electoral College lived up to its virtues and what it is supposed to do, and Trump won, even though most polls said he was going to get trounced.

And later on, this impeachment stuff came through full tilt as the Democrats still couldn't figure out 1) how Trump won the presidency, and 2) how to defeat Trump in 2020.

So they brought this nonsense up, revolving around former vice president and current presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son, about making deals and threats to a foreign country, and they thought that this would finally rid themselves of the scourge of Donald Trump.

Boy, were they wrong, dead wrong--it just made him stronger.

They should have known this. A generation ago, one of their own, Bill Clinton, was involved in illicit affairs himself, he went through the same process, and emerged just as Trump has, as a more sympathetic figure, as a person that America trusts more than it did prior to these shenanigans.

In fact, Bill Clinton's continued popularity--even though the MeToo movement that we are currently in--allowed his wife to ascend to heights that she would have never been able to scale without his name and his help as one of the most popular politicians of our age.

Thank you, Monica Lewinsky.

Anyway, back to the current mess, the Democrats really and truly believed that they had the goods on Trump, but Trump really had the "trump" card: he didn't do anything wrong at all.

And it played out that way, made the Democrats look like the true sore losers that they are, and exposed an underbelly of the way they do business that really is repugnant.

And if you need further proof of this repugnancy that the American public is finally starting to see and see as it actually is, the latest Iowa caucus results that I saw found Biden--once the heavy frontrunner for the Democratic nomination to run against Trump--in fourth place, and just a few percentage points ahead of Amy Klobuchar, someone who has as much chance of winning this race as I do.

So the American people are not falling for the ruse that the Democrats have tried to put on our heads. And not only is Trump looking real good right now--take that, Mitt Romney, another sore loser if there ever was one--but the fallout is hurting Biden more than it is hurting our president.

And then we get to the behavior of some people during the State of the Union address, which pretty much foreshadowed yesterday's historic impeachment vote.

The president did not shake hands with Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House of Representatives. Sure, he probably should have shook her hand, but how can you shake the hand of the very person who is trying to remove you from office?

And then, after his eloquent speech, Pelosi was seen ripping up her printed copy of his speech, ripping it up into shreds.

Sure, she was angry, angry that her party stands to lose more from its loss at impeachment than Trump ever will. But to stand there, in plain sight of cameras, and rip up the speech just given by the President of the United States that mentioned everyone from Tuskegee Airmen to people who have won out over their own personal battles, was disgraceful, showed no respect, and really, signified the end of the line for the Democrats and their idiotic accusations, which the public evidently isn't buying.

And being that it is the one indelible image that will be remembered from this entire canard, well, it is such a negative image that it casts a bad light on Pelosi, herself, and her party in general, as the very definition of sore losers.

So, this process is done. It is time for both the Democrats and Republicans to move on from this, and lead our country in the way they should and for the reasons that we voted them into office.

What a waste of time, what a waste of taxpayer money.

Let's get back to business, and let's get back to business quickly.

The country needs to do this, and we, the American people, deserve this from our elected legislators on both sides of the fence.

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