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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Rant #2,386: Another Day

It's just another day in my neck of the woods.

Nothing much to report on here.

The weather temperature has dropped at least 30 degrees from what it was during the Memorial Day weekend, so the shorts have been put away and we have taken out the long-legged pants again.

The Yankees continue to win, I continue to get bills in the mail, my place of business continues to hang on by a thread and yes, I still eat cereal for breakfast.

So today is a nothing new day.

But since the Ranting and Raving Blog turned 10 years old earlier this month--it was a birthday that I completely overlooked myself--I have written Rants on other May 30ths on this blog, so what did I write about on those past May 30ths?

Let's see ...

On May 30, 2017, I wrote the "Hot Fun in the Springtime" post, where I spoke about my family's trek out to the literal end of Long Island to Greenport, which resembles a New England town rather than part of New York State. We went out there to celebrate Memorial Day, and I remember that we ate there, walked around there, but although it took us longer to get there than the total time we stayed there, it was fun nonetheless.

On May 30, 2018, in the "Too Much Talk" entry, I wrote about how people's mouths often get in the way, and I specifically targeted Roseanne Barr and Kathy Griffin for shooting off their mouths and people being tired of hearing what they had to say. Even though coming from different sides of the political spectrum, each of these ladies has, as my old gym teacher used to say, "diarrhea of the mouth," and the problem is that they do not know when to stop, and still don't, to be honest with you.

On May 30, 2012, I wrote about actress Ruta Lee in the "Roto-Ruta" post, where I highlighted the career of actress Ruta Lee, someone who I always liked and who had a very interesting background and plenty to speak about. Today is her birthday, she turns 84 on this day, and while you don't hear about her much today, she was a ubiquitous presence on TV and the movies back in the 1960s, and I was always attracted to her perky nature.

Funny, but looking back at the past May 30ths, I don't have a heck of a lot of Rants posted on that day, simply because in most years, May 30 falls right into the Memorial Day holiday and/or the weekend, so there are only a handful of columns that were actually written on that date to talk about, the above three being a couple of maybe two or three more--tops--that I could have highlighted here.

But whatever the case, it just goes to show that May 30 really is just another day, another brick in the load, just another day as we push toward summer.

This is my final Rant of the week. I only found out yesterday that I have to take a leave from here on Friday to do some other things tomorrow, and if all goes right, I will let you know about it next week.

So, one day early, let me wish you a good weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday, hopefully with some excellent news to report.

Speak to you then.

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