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Friday, February 22, 2019

Classic Rant #965 (May 17, 2013): Singing In a Plane

I am sure you have heard about the woman who was removed from an American Airlines plane the other day because she wouldn't stop singing.

If you haven't heard about it, let me fill you in.

Evidently, a Los Angeles to New York plane had to stop at another destination before making it to the Big Apple because a woman who refused to stop singing had to be removed from the plane.

She was singing "I Will Always Love You," Whitney Houston's old hit song that was written by Dolly Parton, and she sang it over and over and over again.

A federal marshall was on board, and she was led off the plane in handcuffs.

She was spoken to off the plane, not arrested, but she had to make her own plane connections to get to New York.

The woman claimed that she could not stop singing because she was a diabetic.

I guess her sugar was out of whack.

Anyway, serenading her fellow passengers with that song probably was pretty bad. All reports are that she couldn't carry a note.

But it could have been worse.

Just think of the other songs she might have chosen for her one-song concert, and maybe by singing the song she chose she spared her fellow passengers from Excedrin Headache No. 657.

"You Light Up My Life" by Debbie Boone.

"Honey" by Bobby Goldsboro.

"You're Having My Baby" by Paul Anka.

"Feelings" by Morris Alpert.

Heck, she could have chosen "Macarena" by Los Del Rios and gotten everybody dancing.

So maybe the passengers and crew should have actually counted their blessings, because things really, really could have been much, much worse on that plane.

"I Will Always Love You" is bad, but there are worse, much worse songs she could have attacked their ear drums with.

Speak to you again on Monday.

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