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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Rant #2,244: Bits and Pieces

Once again we visit the land of Bits and Pieces, where stories that need to be spoken about are, but in a shorter type of way.

So let's dive right into it, because that is the way it will be (that's a line in another Dave Clark Five song, but I won't go into that here).

Pizza Delivery Man Gets Caught: Well, I could have said "I told you so," but I won't get into that now ...

That pizza delivery man who made international headlines when he was detained by ICE at Fort Hamilton after delivering a pizza there, and became a cause celebre for many on the left who believe that we should open our borders to everyone, got himself in a real sauce over the weekend, and he was picked up and arrested on Friday for criminal mischief after a domestic altercation.

The man, Pablo Villavicencio, is here illegally, but that did not stop politicians, celebrities and common folk from coming to his aid in June when he was detained by ICE because of his status.

He was painted as a hard working man, who had solidified himself in the community by working, marrying and having children here. He was said to be someone who dearly loved this country, wanted to stay here even though his paperwork had elapsed a long time ago, and was not the type of person that should be deported.

Yup ... what are those same fools who backed this guy saying now?

The very person who came to his defense as a solid citizen, his wife, was evidently the vicim in the altercation with him. According to the Nassau County, Long Island, New York District Attorney's office, after an argument on Thursday between Villavicencio and his wife, Sandra Chica, related to her desire to divorce him, he pushed her against a wall "and slapped her body."

Evidently, he had demanded from her their kids' passports, and she refused to give them to him, and that is when the violence occurred. When she said she was going to call the police, he took her cellphone from the kitchen counter.

Incredibly, even though force was used against her, he is not charged with assaulting his wife, simply not allowing her to make an emergency call to police.

His lawyer has said that Villavicencio has been under massive pressure related to his June arrest and the pending divorce. It is also unclear how or whether this will impact his legal status.

Well, where is Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand now, where is Gov. Cuomo, where are all the bleeding hearts who fell for this person's--and his family's--half-baked story?

Deport this guy, and deport him as quickly as possible.

This is an upstanding a citizen? This is the guy his wife shed tears for, because she would be separated from her loving husband?

Boy, a sucker is really, truly born every minute, and we have plenty of them in New York State, in the country and around the world who want to believe that these shirkers are just the type of people we want in this country.

Sorry, Charlie, not this time, and with thousands of people trying to illegally get into our country every day without proper vetting, is it any wonder we are seriously thinking about closing our borders off to anyone trying to get here this way?

We are not a garbage barge here. Dispose of your garbage at home, please.

Who To Pick In the World Series?: The World Series begins tonight, with the Boston Red Sox, the champions of the American League, going against the Los Angeles Dodgers, the champions of the National League.

Who do you root for in the Series when you are in a situation like I, and probably millions of others, are in?

I am a New York Yankees fan. Yankees fans never root for the Red Sox to do anything. It isn't in our nature, it isn't in our blood. Yes, the Red Sox had to beat the Yankees on their ride to get to this point, but it doesn't mean that since they are the American League representative that we automatically back them in this contest.

And then we have the Dodgers ... how anybody from New York can root for the Dodgers, or for the San Francisco Giants for that matter, is beyond me. The two teams left New York 60 years ago, and have moved onto greener pastures in California, but the stink remains.

I, personally, am so burnt out from baseball this year that I think that I am going to sit this one out. There is no way I am backing either team, so may the best team win.

Mild Winter Predicted For Northeast: The weather has been a bit crazy this year, and the craziness will evidently continue into the winter, as local weather forecasters state that the winter of 2018-2019 might be quite warm.

Oh, we will have snow and lower temperatures, but not like we have had in recent years.

It is simply going to be warmer, more rain than snow, and not as cold as in the past.

Does this relate to global warming? Who knows, but I personally hate the winter, because I hate cleaning up Mother Nature's mess.

So while it won't be balmy this winter, if the forecasters are correct, then I will be very, very pleased.

My Employment Situation:

Well, that is it for now. Speak to you again tomorrow.

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