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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Rant #1,536: The World Is Off the Clock

Yes, the world is off its clock, off its axis, call it what you want, but the world we live in is not right lately.

Things are happening that make no sense, but in this PC world, they make lots of sense.

Take that kid we talked about a few weeks back who brought a homemade clock into school.

If you remember, some people thought it looked like a bomb, and police arrested the kid, not realizing that what he had was a clock, not a bomb, even though it sure looked like an explosive device.

He was heralded by everyone from Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg to our own President as a hero, which simply served to mock the school's caution, something that should have been applauded.

The problem here was that the kid thought he was targeted because he is Muslim, and, you know, in this world, we must love everyone until they cut our throats or blow us up.

The kid became an international celebrity, a reason and a symbol to show sort of a subtle hate of America, and he has been meeting dignitaries the world over, who have offered him their congratulations at not only his skill, but his snubbing his nose at the American way.

All of this in spite of the fact that it has come out that this kid is something of a crab, having had trouble in his school system before, a professional victim at an early age, always yelling out that he is being "persecuted" because he is a Muslim. He had been suspended numerous times for this behavior.

Well, the latest turn in all of this is that a day after he finally met with our turncoat President, his family has announced that they are moving to Qatar, accepting an offer from that government for the kid to participate in a program where not only his scientific mind will be exploited, but he will have his future educational pursuits paid for by the government.

Good, please take this kid and his family away from here. If he can design a clock, he can design bombs and missiles and weapons of destruction, too, and he probably will do just that.

I am sure the President is shocked by this announcement. He thought he was going to nurture the next generation of self-hating, angry Americans by using this kid as an example, but now, the kid is off to Qatar.

Personally, I am sick and tired of this Muslim "chip on the shoulder" thing.

True, most Muslims are not terrorists, but it seems that most terrorists that we have to deal with today are Muslim.

The school district, which was trying to protect its kids, was mocked by the President of the United States for their actions. This is the very same President who has asked us all to be vigilant against terrorism, but has fanned the flames by supporting terrorists, such as the Palestinians, who are ruled by Hamas, one of the world's largest terrorist organizations.

He also breaks bread with Iran, the most terrorist-backed country in the world.

And he makes fun of the school district?

One of daughters should have only been sitting next to this innocent clockmaker, and I doubt he would have been so much in praise of the kid, and would have applauded the school's actions.

Yes, the world is really off of its axis.

So, goodbye, you innocent clockmaker and your family.

Even in this PC world, I think most sane people would say that yes, we can live without you very nicely indeed.


  1. Why is this clockmaker assumed to be a "terrorist"? Aren't people -- even those with Arabic-sounding names or Middle Eastern origins -- entitled to the presumption of innocence? Do we toss all Christians into the hopper of bigotry when the likes of Dylan Roof, and the Oklahoma bombers, and the Aurora theater shooters, and the Newtown, CT shooter all did their things?

    It is usually a mistake to make foreign policy decisions from the vantage point of the victims of tragedy. We can sympathize with them, empathize with them, seek justice on their behalf, but at the same time we should resist drawing the bigoted lessons from their experience that some victims might be prone to. Why? Because there are "bad apples" who read the Koran, the New Testament and the Old, and who are of all hues and political beliefs, and we can't assume the vast numbers of people in each "classification" are evil or are a threat because a few in each category have shown that they are, or are at least capable of such reprehensible conduct.

    And why refer to President Obama as a "turncoat"? What's that in reference to? Are you a birther, or do you think he shouldn't apologize when we bomb a hospital for no reason?

  2. Yes, everyone in this country is supposed to be presumed innocent before proven guilty, but in certain countries in the world, it is the other way around, and that is how the terrorists like it.

    This kid was innocent of any wrongdoing here, but my argument is in an atmosphere where schools have become targets for madmen, we are forced to being over-cautious, and the school acted correctly when some thought the kid carried a bomb.

    The kid has had problems before this, avowing that he was targeted because he was Muslim. Is he the only Muslim in the school? Is he the only one who has been targeted this way?

    And as for our President, I do feel he has let us down. He is governed by the PC Police, and when you throw logic out the window, as our commander in chief, you have let us all down.

    To mock the school for doing what it did was in extremely poor taste.

    And at this point, I don't really care where he was born; I am more concerned that he is leaving this office in tatters, and thus, our country the same way.


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