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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Rant #2,700: I Just Want To Celebrate

We have reached another plateau at the Ranting and Raving Blog, hitting our 2,700th entry today.
Believe me, the way things have been going lately, I never thought that we would get to this number, but we finally did, a couple of days later than I originally had planned.
But better late than never.
And let me tell you, writing this blog is pretty therapeutic.
Now having done it for all of these years, I finally understand why people used to love to write entries in their diary.
Sometimes when you write things out, they seem to be clearer, rather than the often jumbled mess they are in your mind.
Putting it on paper—or in my case, putting it up electronically—is the way I sort things out, and I am more than happy to provide you with my thoughts each and every weekday … or at least each and every weekday that I am able to do so.
And as I have said from day one, you don’t have to agree with me at all. We can have a proper discourse, as long as things are civil.
That is fine with me.
You learn from what I say, and I learn from what you say.
That is the proper way to do it, I do believe.
I have been doing this blog since May 4, 2009, so we are well into our 12th year, with the blog bar mitzvah year coming up right around the corner in 2022.
We have covered just about every topic under the sun, from my dislike of current entertainment to the coronavirus, and seemingly everything in between.
It has been fun, it has been exhausting, it had been exhilarating, it has been poignant, it has been all over the place.
But one thing that every entry shares is that it is all here.
I pull very few punches when I write entries for this blog, and I do put my heart clearly on the table most of the time.
I don’t mince words.
If I like something, you will know about it; if I don’t like something, you will also know about it.
And I thank the people that read the blog.
You guys have made everything great for me.
Heck, if just one person read this each day, I guess I would be happy.
Yes, we are monetized, but I don’t make one red cent from these Rants, and it is better that way.
I don’t need thousands of people reading these Rants.
I am happy that we do have some regular readers, but it has become an exclusive club here, which is fine with me.
We have countless other people reading what I have to say on Facebook, so I am happy that people are reading what I have to say, ingesting what I have to say, and formulating their own opinions about what I have to say.
So going on 13 years, how does the future look for the Ranting and Raving Blog?
I think it looks pretty good.
I enjoy writing in the blog format, and I enjoy writing about whatever I want to write about five days a week.
Could this expand to a video presentation, or a Vlog?
I have thought about it at times, and right now, I am quite happy with just the writing aspect of it.
I guess I could go on YouTube and make a daily presentation there, but while I will never say never about such a thing, it really isn’t in the offing, at least right now.
I like to almost handle this as a newspaper feature, and that doesn’t include any video of me reading what I have written, at least not right now.
Maybe something to explore at another time.
So you will have to read what I write each weekday, if that is what you choose to do.
Hopefully, this 64 going on 65 years old body holds up.
Right now I am doing fine, living with my new reality that I have a “bum” eye.
I have been to a few eye doctors now, they have given me the green light to do anything I want to do, so I will follow what they have to say and not wallow in any self pity.
I can see the light!
Yes, I can, and the Ranting and Raving Blog will go with me wherever I am for the foreseeable future.
We hope to reach entry number 2,800 sometime early next year.
Thanks for joining me on this journey. 

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