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Friday, October 2, 2020

Rant #2,504: Hold Your Head Up

The world is nuts.
People are crazy.
Let me tell you a story to prove my point.
Yesterday morning, my son and I went to do our food shopping. We have done this every Thursday since I lost my job and my son was put on furlough.
We went to our local supermarket, went up and down the aisles, and put what we wanted in our cart and proceeded to the checkout area.
As usual, we waited for an available self checkout, because I personally like to bag my own groceries.
We waited in line, keeping our distance from the person who was already bagging, and when that person was finished, we started to put our choices on the belt and then began to scan them.
When we were about three-quarters done, I saw through the corner of my eye that a gentleman of about my age came right up to the checkout, put his choices on the belt while mine were still there, and the belt moved, basically putting my groceries right next to his groceries with no line of demarcation.
The main moved all the way up to be by his groceries, which meant he was standing about a foot away from me. The signs in the store clearly say to stay six feet apart while waiting to check out,.and there are also markings on the floor showing you where to stand.
I saw all of this still out of the corner of my eye, because I was intent on checking out and getting out of there, but when the man moved to about a foot away from me, I said to him, “Can’t you have a little patience? I will be out of here in a minute. And you are supposed to be six feet apart from me.”
“I am six feet apart,” he said, and here was his explanation as he stood about a foot away from me:
“You occupy two feet, there is two feet in between us, and I occupy six feet, so we are six feet apart.”
Obviously, this guy got a “U” in arithmetic when he was in school, so I said to him, “How is that six feet apart if you are a foot away from me and your grocieries are right on top of mine?”
He repeated what he said, and I did too, never looking up from my chore of getting my groceries in the bags and in my cart so I could get away from this idiot.
Suddenly I looked up, and as his verbal sparring was getting more heated, I noticed that he wasn’t wearing a mask—it was around his neck but only covering his Adam’s apple.
“The law says six feet apart, and you aren’t, and on top of that, you don’t even have your mask on,” I told him as I paid with my debit card waiting to get my receipt so I could get out of there.
He seemed to not realize that his mask wasn’t on, and grabbed it as he continued to screech at me.
I called him an a-hole and started to leave, telling a store associate that a guy without a mask was at the checkout and verbally harassing me.
She told me to go to customer service with my complaint, which I did not do because it wasn’t worth the trouble to me at that point. I was done and I was leaving as quickly as I could.
Look, I don’t like this pandemic any more than anyone does. I don’t like the new rules and regulations we must follow, and I don’t like what it has done to people’s psyches, making them completely paranoid/
But if the rule is that we have to be socially distanced from each other, meaning six feet apart, and that we must wear masks while in stores, including the supermarket, why can’t we all just follow these rules? They aren’t that hard to do/
Are we going overboard with these rules and regulations? Yes, I believe we are. But the rules are the rules, and why somebody is arguing with me about his interpretation about being six feet apart while he isn’t wearing a mask, then to me, he doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

And now that the president and his wife have tested positive, let's really fight this common enemy together.

I mean, fighting this thing together is the only thing we should be doing together, and not six feet apart.
Have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday.

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