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Friday, September 4, 2020

Rant #2,486: Working Class Hero

The Labor Day weekend is just about upon us, and this year, this weekend, and specifically the actual holiday, on Monday, September 7, has taken on new meaning —

Not for working, but what we are doing while not working.

We, as a country, have been warned that we are to continue to abide by social distancing rules during the next three days, to stay away from groups and to keep to ourselves during one of the most social holidays on the calendar.

The coronavirus has ruined so many things, and yes, it is going to ruin this year's Labor Day, too.

The barbecues are going to be limited to just family members, we will have to stay away from others when we go to the beach, and there will be absolutely no fans in the stands watching baseball, our national pastime, during this pandemic.

And if any of those new "rules" are broken or tampered with, not only might we be eligible for arrest, but we might even pick up the coronavirus, or give it to someone else.

What a fun Labor Day this should be!

All kidding aside, what exactly is Labor Day anyway?

This is what I wrote about the day on September 2, 2016, in Rant #1,747, which was simply titled "Labor Day":

"Labor Day celebrates you and I, the labor force of this country, the people that make this country the great place that it is.

Whether you belong to a union or you are totally on your own, you helped build this country, make this country what it is, and on Labor Day, we celebrate our work force, still the greatest work force in the world.

And whether you work 9 to 5, 8 to 4 or are part timers, Labor Day is a day that we can all take a bow, because we have all done a good job.

And for the unemployed among us, yes, you work, too, you worked, you lost your job for one reason or another, and you work to find another one that is suitable for your talent.

You take a bow, too, and that goes for retired people, who worked their butts off and now are experiencing the pleasures of not having to go to work every day.

You have earned that right.

So all and all, Labor Day is one of our best holidays, because it celebrates US."

Yes, that is what it is, and it is what it is, even though this year, it is what it isn't.

And personally, this is one of the first Labor Days in many a while that I can actually relax, because in my old job, I usually worked on the holiday, although last year, which little did we know was about a month before the place shuttered for good, we did all the work we were supposed to do for our big issue--what amounted to our final issue--and we had the day off.

But during my nearly 24 years at that job, I worked about 20 Labor Days, so last year, a got a pass, and this year ...

Well, enough said about this year.

Have a great weekend, a great holiday, and I will speak to you again on Tuesday.

And stay safe too.

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