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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Rant #2,479: Nothing From Nothing

Today is Wednesday, August 26, and I guess it is going to be a fine day for all of us.

Me, I feel burnt out, and I have little to say today.

I just feel like I have little to say today.

I tried to think up a topic, but unfortunately, it was not working for me today.

Too much going on in my life to talk about now, but it has definitely put a damper on my thought processes.

Sorry about that, but it happens every once in a while.

There are a couple of birthdays today to note, including Branford Marsalis and Melissa McCarthy, but I really don't have a need to report about them beyond what I just told you.

I guess that I have the Summertime Blues, or these are the dog days of summer, and my brain simply isn't working right today to put something down on (electronic) paper.

It happens, what can I tell you?

Looking back on what I wrote here on past August 26s, last year, I wrote Rant #2,433, "Press" where I spoke about a personal war that I was having with Newsday, the Long Island newspaper.

No, it is not like today, where I have spoken about how twisted and biased this newspaper is, even with its usage of "Black" versus "white," but last year, I was enraged because our delivery person haphazardly delivered the paper wherever he wanted to deliver the newspaper, seemingly purposely throwing it in puddles or anywhere to make it more difficult for us to receive our newspaper.

I will tell you that after constant complaints, the deliverer finally acquiesced to our demand that he place the paper in the right place--in the driveway--and make it soil free--it is at least single wrapped now, and often double wrapped.

Case closed.

In Rant #1,743, dated August 26, 2016, in a piece called "Garbage," I spoke about just that, and how I hated to do the garbage, taking out it out of my house and putting it in a receptacle and out to the curb.

I likened my current chore to when I was a kid, when my family and I lived in Rochdale Village, South Jamaica, Queens, New York, and taking out the garbage was fun, because we simply dumped it down the incinerator chute, which was in the hall of every building.

Occasionally, they would be burning the garbage downstairs, and if you hit it just right, you would plunge your garbage down the chute and see the flames arise from the building's basement. We lived on our building's first floor, so it made it even more exciting to see the flames rise.

Compare that to what I have to do today, and well, there is no comparison.

In Rant #1,499, date August 26, 2015, in an entry entitled "Goodbye Wrangler Jane," I wrote about the untimely death of actress Melody Patterson, who played Wrangler Jane Angelica Thrift on the classic TV show "F Troop."

Her story of how she got cast on the show is Hollywood history. The very beautiful actress was only 15 years of age when she got the role, but somehow passed herself off as being 18.

Thus, every time she fawned after Captain Parmenter, so ably portrayed by Ken Berry, she was kind of doing something that in real life she shouldn't have been doing, and Berry's character usually played the part, unwittingly getting into hugs and lip smacks with her.

I could go even further back into the archives, but I think the three examples I gave demonstrate that August 26 isn't always a burned out day for me.

But due to some things that are going on now in my life that I won't tell you about just now, I simply feel bereft of any ideas for stories for today.

There is really nothing that I want to talk about, at least not here, not right now.

So there you have it. I have written many words about nothing much, and I actually have a column today.

What can I say?

I am wearing my Superman T-shirt today, and what did he say as he jumped into the skies during those late 1960s-early 1970s cartoons that were on CBS on Saturday mornings?

"Up, up and away!"

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