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Thursday, January 11, 2024

Rant #3,266: Beat It

The physical therapist I am using stated that I was improving and doing so much better that she recommended seeing me just twice more in the apartment, and then I could move over to outside-the-home physical therapy.

Honestly, I know that I am doing better, and it is just a matter if time before I beat this thing ...

Several months, but I am determined to kick this thing to the curb.

I would also like to do the same to those ill-informed protesters who support Hamas and the Palestinians in the israel/Gaza War.

The other day, these gutter snipes blocked access to a number of major thoroughfares in New York City--

As if this is going to push the war participants to agree to a ceasefire.

I saw some video of someone who could not get through the barrage of subhumans blocking the Brooklyn Bridge, many of whom were connected together with some type of pipe handcuffs that could only be cut off with a saw to extricate the connected protesters.

The driver got out of his car several times to implore the protesters to let him through. He had to pick up his wife, and this idiotic protest was holding up the works.

Finally, after he literally begged them to move, they did, but the protest continued.

One of the most recognizable supporters of this particular protest was actress Susan Sarandon, who just happened to apologize for her anti-Isrsel and anti-Semitic actions a few weeks before when her management team threatened to drop her, but evidently she doesn't care about that anymore.

More than 300 people were arrested in this array of protests, and it begged the question: 

How about exchanging these belligerent, ill-informed fools for the 130 hostages, and the remains of deceased Israelis, thst are continuing to be held by Hamas?

I am sure that no one will miss these protesters, not even their families.

And if you think Sarandon is alone in Hollywood's virtual silence when it comes to israel's right to exist, think again.

At this past weekend's Golden Globes, most attendees refused to wear a pro-Israel pin that was being distributed at this gala.

Sure, you can say that those in attendance did not want to make the Golden Globes into a political event, but when has that thought ever before crossed the minds of those in Hollywood?

Shameful, and if the war persists, let's see what the other award shows demonstrate about those in Hollywood, who jump on board just about every cause and non-cause known to man but quivers when it comes to the support of a Democratic nation in its war against the most repugnant terrorists and anti-Semites that exist in the world today.

Makes my own problems look like nothing.

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