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Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Rant #3,264: One Step Ahead

I had a wee bit of a setback overnight from Sunday into Monday.

I honestly wasn't going to say anything, but I figured it would serve as a warning that for every good thing I do to regain my mobility, there are going to be times where I might have to take a step back.

Case in point was during that overnight time.

I am normally a light sleeper, and this has not changed with this injury I have.

In the past, I would wake up, and if I could not go back to sleep in due time, I would make my way to the living room, sleep there fir a while--I guess the change of scenery helped me--and then invariably work my way back to the bedroom, where I would go back to sleep.

However, now I have this bad leg, and I learned the hard way that i cannot proceed like I had in the past right now.

I woke up at about 2 a.m. or so in the morning, and I seamlessly went to the bathroom. 

I then climbed back into the bed, but honestly, I simply wasn't tired ... so after a few minutes, I figured I would go into room to get some shuteye.

What happened is that I went into the living room in the pitch black with my crutches, prepared to sit down on the couch, and I tripped ... maybe just a little, but it was enough to move the couch a bit.

I was scared as could be, got back to the bedroom and the bed, and started to cry and yell and make myself into a mess.

I woke up my wife with all the commotion--I think I woke up our son too--and I was completely beside myself.

It probably took me at least 45 minutes to calm down, but I had scared myself into a real tizzy.

When I finally slowed down, I went to sleep, and woke up about three hours later, and I went to the bathroom, proving to myself thst no damage had been done.

I ate breakfast, did the day's first set of exercises, and proved to myself that I was no worse for wear--

I just had simply scared myself into a frenzy because I tripped maybe a half inch. 

I never fell, amd even though I was scared, I made it back into the bed.

Honestly, I want to be well and I want to be back to myself again, but I really have to take it at a slower pace.

I will reach my goal later this year, but until then, I have to take it real slow 

Today will ne a good test, because I have to cover a conference for work, which means my day is pretty much shot, as it can take hours to sift through everything, and then write a cohesive story about it all.

I will do this, but I will take the necessary precautions--one hour st the computer at a time--because the long-term goal is way more important than the short-term goal.

I want to walk and be mobile again, and that is all that counts.

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