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Monday, November 13, 2023

Rant #3,236: Hats Off To Larry


Here I am again!

This is where I belong. As my family spends its final days in its long-time abode and sashays into another residence.

I just wish we could really "sashay" into the new place.

I survived surgery, am laid up unable to move much until about the end of this year, and then will have to go through many weeks of physical therapy to be able to walk again--

So right now, at least, I am.not "sashaying" anywhere.

The surgery supposedly went well. 

I not only had major damage to the quad in my left leg, but also to surrounding tissue, so it was like the surgeon was wrapping a package, making sure that all ends met perfectly before affixing it all together.

And supposedly he was able to do that just fine.

I wasn't nervous about the surgery at all. But I have to admit, as it got closer to happening, I was starting to think about it a bit too much for my own good.

I was rolled into the pre-op area, and there were two other people in there with me. I did not have my glasses, but I think one was a woman going through arthroscopic surgery of some sort, and she went to the operation room first.

Then there was another guy going fir surgery, but he had to wait a bit like I did.

Some people came into talk with him first, including the nurse and the anesthesiologist, and in whatever I could pick up from their talking with him that I could hear, "Bob"--I think that is what his name was--was having some sort of cancer surgery.

When I heard that, I thought to myself, "What are you worried about ... this guy is having CANCER surgery ... your surgery is nothing compared to what this guy is going through."

It kind of settled me down a bit.

"Bob" went in before me, and then it was my turn.

I went from the bed to the operating table, was told to take some deep breaths--

And I don't remember a thing until.i woke up about 90 minutes later.

Still under the anesthesia, I remember the first thing I asked for was a hot dog.

"We don't have a hot dog, but we can give you ginger ale and some Lorna Doone cookies," the nurse said to me.

I took her up on her offer, and they tssted so good.

I was out of the hospital that day, and I am now recuperating.

I really can't move my left leg at all, so while it doesn't hurt much. I am a little uncomfortable, more so during the evening, where I am not sleeping much, including on the night of the day of my surgery.

An hour here, two hours there, 45 minutes or so another time.

If I get five hours a night, I have to consider that a good night's sleep.

And as we all prepare for the big day on Wednesday, all I can do is sit here, and bide my time

And it isn't something I am finding very easy to do.

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