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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Rant #3,207: All Things Must Pass

Facebook has proclaimed that my posts related to the passing of my mother and how we are handling the house that she lived in for more than 50 years—and that my family currently occupies, perhaps for our final months of such a residency—break their “cybersecurity” rules, and I have been banned from posting in my own groups through September 25.

Ironically, this is the very day that the house officially goes up for sale, and I am not going to stop speaking about the situation my family and I am in simply because Facebook deems that it breaks their rules.

That is why I have a blog, and you can visit the blog site to view my content if you need to do so.

I have seen much worse content up on Facebook—much of it of a sexual or political nature, racial, anti-Semitic and the like—that somehow passes their “community standards,” but I want someone to explain to tell me how my posts violate those standards.

Facebook’s own measures are completely ridiculous, and in actuality, do not apply to my posts, but somehow, due to their lack of any logic whatsoever, evidently they do.

I do not get it, but it’s just another brick in the wall of what my family and I are going through, and we will get through it, just like everything else, in one piece.

Yesterday, I brought out some more garbage to the curb of things still in my mother’s part of the house that I decided we can part with.

I also purchased three big crates, because after consulting with a few stores that handle such sales, I found out that all of the furniture and other knick knacks in my mother’s house have little-to-no worth in the current market, so we are going to have to do an estate sale to sell off as much of these things as possible,

Back to the crates … they are for the only things that are worth some money—my comic book collection, much of which I sold off years ago but which still has some value in today’s market.

Oh, and did mention that we had the pool closed—maybe for good—yesterday?

And if you were wondering, my clash with food poisoning appears to be over. I had a trouble-free day and night with that, so I guess it just—literally—passed through me.

But today—after another restless night—I have some major allergy problems, as my left eye is really bad today, as I can barely see out of it and it is all teary and kind of itchy.

Knowing my pattern, this should last about two hours, if even that long, and then, it will get back to as close to normal as possible, but right now, I am suffering.

There really is nothing else to say right now about anything I have spoken about in today’s Rant.

All things must pass, and all of these things must pass, too.

And just like my bout with food poisoning, these things will be but a memory one day, but a rancid one at that.

I have to believe that everything will all work out, but everything happening right now is straining my personal believability factor, and I simply don’t know where all of this is going to lead.

I am not looking for a rainbow leading to a pot of gold … I am just looking for a good outcome for my family and I, one that we all can hold our heads high about and can live with into the future.

That is all that I really can ask for.

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