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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Rant #3,198: More Love

Today is kind of a day of “rest” for me before my mother’s funeral tomorrow morning—

But I still have plenty to do today in preparation for the day my mom will be eulogized and buried.

This almost seems absurd, but the first thing I have to do to prepare for all of this is to get a nice, new, clean white shirt to wear with my suit.

I never wear a suit—did I wear one at my father’s funeral three years ago?—I have no idea—but I looked through my closet, and I have no idea where my white shirts are.

I wore them for work once or twice a week, but the last two or three years at that job we were told that we didn’t need to wear ties, so the white shirts went the way of the Nehru jacket as far as my wardrobe was concerned.

I have no idea where those white shirts are—I found one that might have been my father’s short, because it is for a larger man than me—but I could not find any of my white shirts, so I have to go today and buy one.

Yesterday, I made so many phone calls that once again, my phone was operating on little power by the middle to the end of the day.

I know I have some more phone calls to make, and after the funeral, probably on Friday and into next week, I will have many other phone calls to make related to my mother and her life and passing.

I also have to take my son to work and pick him up to bring him home, which is really the easiest thing for me to do.

I have always found that doing this is a bit of a respite for me based on what I am doing the rest of the day.

Yesterday, even though it was 95 degrees out and I sat in the car waiting for his work day to end, waiting for my son really cooled me down from the rigors of the funeral.

I was able to do some work in the car—after doing some at home before I left to go get him—and I was able to listen to the car radio and read the newspaper while I waited for him.

It really helped to clear my mind,, even though the weather was so darn hot—and might even be warmer today.

Yesterday after work, I had ot meet my wife at a Workman’s Compensation medical checkup that she was required to take in a doctor’s office in western Nassau County.

With my son in tow, the GPS on my phone gave me a really crazy way to get there, but it did get us there, and my wife was examined by an Orthodox Jewish doctor—with all the trappings, if you know what I mean--which I found to be interesting.

One of the stipulations of this visit was that my wife had to be driven back and forth to the examination by a Lyft driver of the other side’s choosing, something we did not like but adhered to, so my son and I were there not for transportation, but for emotional support.

After the examination and with my wife in the Lyft car, I spoke to a friend on the phone the entire way home, and we arrived back home about five minutes after my wife did, what with all the rush hour traffic that we encountered.

Anyway, we finally got home, and we had a pile of mail that had to be dissected, which I did as quickly as I could.

After dinner, I finally had some time to really relax.

I watched TV with my son as I always do with my wife conking out early as she normally does, and at 10 p.m., I had had enough and wanted to jump right into the bed and fall asleep—

But checking the phone, I found that I had many, many messages to answer, so I don’t think I actually got into the bed until some time after 10:30 p.m.—and I found that I was so wired, that I could not fall asleep.

If I fell asleep at midnight it would have been a miracle, so who knows when I actually conked out—but it all started again this morning, when I woke up at about 6:20 a.m., ready to face another brutal day.

But maybe today is the first light at the end of the very dark tunnel that my family has seen for a while.

My wife begins a new job today at a local retailer. She is not fully recovered from that terrible accident she had a few ninths back, but she has become well enough that she feels that she can do some non-impact type of work, so today is her first day of her part-time job.

Let’s wish her a lot of luck with this endeavor, as if it is successful, it will make her mind, body and soul feel a whole lot better—and make her wallet a little fuller too.

So let me push on to tomorrow, a day I am dreading but a day that needs to be done.

So tomorrow, I will have to take another day off from the blog, as I must concentrate fully on the funeral.

I will be back on Friday, so speak to you then.

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